Yellow Kangaroo Paws. With the chook yard/shed through the cobwebs behind!
Tags: Yellow flower GSCH
A Blue Ginger? grape Hyacinth...
Or thanks to Melanie in the comments, could be one of these..
Lupinus, commonly known as lupin or lupine,[note 1] is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae. The genus includes over 199 species, with centers of diversity in North and South America.[1] Smaller centers occur in North Africa and the Mediterranean.[1][2] They are widely cultivated, both as a food source and as ornamental plants, although in New Zealand's South Island, introduced lupins are viewed as a severe environmental threat.[3]
Tags: Flowers GSCH Garden Colour purple grape hyacinth spring the beginning spring purple flowers Search similarity flickr blog colorful nature
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Thanks to Melanie.. Echinacea purpurea
Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench
Eastern Purple Coneflower, Purple Coneflower
Asteraceae (Aster Family)
Synonym(s): Brauneria purpurea, Echinacea purpurea var. arkansana, Rudbeckia purpurea
USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (I)
A popular perennial with smooth, 2-5 ft. stems and long-lasting, lavender flowers. Rough, scattered leaves that become small toward the top of the stem. Flowers occur singly atop the stems and have domed, purplish-brown, spiny centers and drooping, lavender rays. An attractive perennial with purple (rarely white), drooping rays surrounding a spiny, brownish central disk.
The genus name is from the Greek echinos, meaning hedgehog, an allusion to the spiny, brownish central disk. The flowers of Echinacea species are used to make an extremely popular herbal tea, purported to help strengthen the immune system; an extract is also available in tablet or liquid form in pharmacies and health food stores. Often cultivated, Purple Coneflower is a showy, easily grown garden plant.
Have not seen this database!
Tags: Flowers GSCH Echinacea
Must try the similarity search tool…
Tags: Flowers GSCH
Just Facetiming her now to say thank! 10days late!
She wondered if they had arrived...
We had a great afternoon with B and N, R and B and Kate..
Tags: vase sideboard birthday