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User / stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :) / Sets / stamps Noreg Norway frimärken Noreg postzegel Noorwegen Norge frimerker postage Briefmarken Norwegen Norway sellos Noruega selos francobolli Norvegia timbre Norvège Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 挪威 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー 切手 Norsko poštovní známky Norveška pošta
61 items

N 139 B 12.3K C 9 E Apr 27, 2015 F Apr 28, 2015
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp Norway 4.50 Kr. (Setesdalsbanen; heritage railway, Museumsbahn; 100th anniversary of Setesdal Line, 100 Jahre Setesdal-Bahn, Ligne du Setesdal) Norge Noreg postage Norway stamps Norwegen Briefmarke train Eisenbahn Railway Zug Lokomotive timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke francobollo revenue frankatur postzegels zegels norwegian stamp Norway frimärken Noreg postzegel Noorwegen Norge frimerker postage Briefmarken Norwegen Norway sellos Noruega selos francobolli Norvegia timbre Norvège Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 挪威 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー 切手 Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक टिकटों Norwegia perangko perangko 노르웨이 우표 Норвегия почтовые марки norveç Damga pulu pastmarkas Norvegija pašto ženklai נורבגיה בולי דואר Norja postimerkit นอร์เวย์ แสตมป์ Norra postmargid

Tags:   Marka Postage Porto Franco Briefmarke stamp stamps francobollo timbres timbre sellos selo bollo марка jíyóu 集邮 марка Европа yóupiào Ōuzhōu Noreg Norge Norway Norwegen Norvège Noruega Norvegia 挪威 Nuówēi 挪威王国 斯堪地那维亚 Scandinavie Escandinavia скандинав Dampflok Dampflokomotive steam train steam engine locomotive à vapeur locomotora de vapor locomotiva zhēngqì jīchē 蒸汽机车 паровоз railway train Zug Lok voie ferrée ferrocarril ferrovia huǒchē 火车 tiělù 铁路 железная дорога timbre-poste postes norwegian green grün أخضر 绿色 зеленый 緑 verts yeşil verde हरा สีเขียว 切手 желе́зная доро́га 鉄道 demiryolu vasút रेल posta pulu

N 178 B 78.8K C 74 E Oct 10, 2011 F Dec 26, 2015
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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beautiful norwegian xmas stamp Noreg Norge apple christmas francobolli natale bollo Norvegia sello navidad Noruega selos natal Norway postage A postes timbre noel Norvège briefmarke Weihnachtsmarke Norwegen 邮票 挪威 yóupiào Nuówēi марка Норвегия Norvégia postaköltség bélyegek pullar Norveç beautiful stamp Noreg timbre Norge Norwegen Norway apple Apfel Christmas Weihnachten Briefmarke timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke francobollo revenue frankatur Norge Noreg Norway Jul Christmas „Giáng sinh“ Božić Vánoce Χριστούγεννα "חג המולד“ Kerstmis joulu Weihnachten noel navidad Божић natal क्रिसमस natale クリスマス „عيد الميلاد“ 圣诞节 Karácsony „Boże Narodzenie“ рождество 크리스마스 Ziemassvētki Kalėdos norwegian stamp Norway frimärken Noreg postzegel Noorwegen Norge frimerker postage Briefmarken Norwegen Norway sellos Noruega selos francobolli Norvegia timbre Norvège Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 挪威 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー 切手 Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक टिकटों Norwegia perangko perangko 노르웨이 우표 Норвегия почтовые марки norveç Damga pulu pastmarkas Norvegija pašto ženklai נורבגיה בולי דואר Norja postimerkit นอร์เวย์ แสตมป์ Norra postmargid

Tags:   stamps revenue porto briefmarken timbres selo sello bollo francobollo franco postage frankatur marka norway noreg norge skandinavien scandenavia Escandinavia scandinavie norvege noruega red rot rouge rojo rosso estampillé visé 集邮 филателия марка jíyóu марка Европа yóupiào Ōuzhōu Norwegen Norvège Norvegia 挪威 Nuówēi 挪威王国 斯堪地那维亚 скандинав apple Apfel timbre-poste 红 алый postes norwegian xmas christmas noel navidad Weihnachten Vánoce लाल 赤 merah kırmızı piros màu đỏ สีแดง 切手 أحمر rood punainen rouges posta pulu pulu december natal natale gold jul

N 9 B 7.8K C 2 E Feb 6, 2010 F Mar 11, 2013
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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beautiful stamp Norway Norge Norwegen 70 Öre / Ore norwegian stamp Norway frimärken Noreg postzegel Noorwegen Norge frimerker postage Briefmarken Norwegen Norway sellos Noruega selos francobolli Norvegia timbre Norvège Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 挪威 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー 切手 Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक टिकटों Norwegia perangko perangko 노르웨이 우표 Норвегия почтовые марки norveç Damga pulu pastmarkas Norvegija pašto ženklai נורבגיה בולי דואר Norja postimerkit นอร์เวย์ แสตมป์ Norra postmargid

Tags:   norway norge norwegen ore öre europe postage revenue porto timbre bollo sello selo marke briefmarke stamp bilder franco sellos marka francobollo francobolli stamps briefmarken stempel selos collection sammlung Frankatur skandinavien scandenavia Escandinavia scandinavie norvege noruega estampillé bollato visé philatélique Philatelie philately filatelia 集邮 филателия марка jíyóu timbre-poste postes norwegian rød màu đỏ piros merah 붉은 أحمر κόκκινος 切手 frimärken Noorwegen Norvège Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 挪威 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक posta pulu pulu timbres-poste

N 2 B 3.5K C 1 E Sep 20, 2010 F Sep 30, 2010
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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beautiful stamp lighthouse Noreg Norge francobolli bollo Norvegia sello Noruega selos Norway postage A postes timbre Norvège briefmarke Norwegen Leuchtturm 邮票 挪威 yóupiào Nuówēi почтовая марка Норвегия Norvégia postaköltség bélyegek pullar Norveç norwegian stamp Norway frimärken Noreg postzegel Noorwegen Norge frimerker postage Briefmarken Norwegen Norway sellos Noruega selos francobolli Norvegia timbre Norvège Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 挪威 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー 切手 Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक टिकटों Norwegia perangko perangko 노르웨이 우표 Норвегия почтовые марки norveç Damga pulu pastmarkas Norvegija pašto ženklai נורבגיה בולי דואר Norja postimerkit นอร์เวย์ แสตมป์ Norra postmargid

Tags:   stamps revenue porto briefmarken timbres selo sello bollo francobollo franco postage frankatur marka norway noreg norge lighthouse leuchtturm phare faro маяк skandinavien scandenavia Escandinavia scandinavie norvege noruega estampillé bollato visé philatélique Philatelie philately filatelia 集邮 филателия марка jíyóu марка Европа yóupiào Ōuzhōu Norwegen Norvège Norvegia 挪威 Nuówēi 挪威王国 斯堪地那维亚 скандинав timbre-poste postes norwegian 切手 frimärken Noorwegen Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक टिकटों Norwegia perangko perangko 노르웨이 우표 Норвегия почтовые марки norveç Damga pulu posta pulu

N 88 B 8.3K C 10 E May 8, 2015 F May 9, 2015
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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beautiful stamp Noreg Norge 6 kr. (Margerite, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Margaréta, Jastrun, Prästkragesläktet, フランスギク属, Marguerite, Нивяник, Margriet, 滨菊属, flowers francobolli bollo Norvegia sello Noruega selos Norway postage 6.00 postes timbre Norvège briefmarke Norwegen 邮票 挪威 yóupiào Nuówēi почтовая марка Норвегия Norvégia postaköltség bélyegek pullar Norveç norwegian stamp Norway frimärken Noreg postzegel Noorwegen Norge frimerker postage Briefmarken Norwegen Norway sellos Noruega selos francobolli Norvegia timbre Norvège Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 挪威 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー 切手 Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक टिकटों Norwegia perangko perangko 노르웨이 우표 Норвегия почтовые марки norveç Damga pulu pastmarkas Norvegija pašto ženklai נורבגיה בולי דואר Norja postimerkit นอร์เวย์ แสตมป์ Norra postmargid

Tags:   stamps revenue porto briefmarken timbres selo sello bollo francobollo franco postage frankatur marka norway noreg norge skandinavien scandenavia Escandinavia scandinavie norvege noruega green grün vert 绿 verde незрелый estampillé bollato visé philatélique Philatelie philately filatelia 集邮 филателия марка jíyóu марка Европа yóupiào Ōuzhōu Norwegen Norvège Norvegia 挪威 Nuówēi 挪威王国 斯堪地那维亚 скандинав flores timbre-poste зелёный postes norwegian 切手 frimärken Noorwegen Νορβηγία γραμματόσημα 邮票 Norvégia bélyeg ノルウェー Norsko poštovní známky Norveška poštanske marke नॉर्वे डाक टिकटों Norwegia perangko perangko 노르웨이 우표 Норвегия posta pulu
