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User / stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :) / Sets / stamps Austria postage timbre Autriche selo sello francobollo Austria postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया francobollo Austria スタンプ オーストリア bélyegek Ausztria แสตมป์ ออสเตรีย frimerker østerrike perangko Austr
295 items

N 83 B 9.1K C 6 E Feb 28, 2020 F Mar 2, 2020
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I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp Austria 62c Batmobile (car of superhero Batman; personal stamp MEINE MARKE; Batmobil, Бэтмобиль, Batmóvel, 蝙蝠車) timbre Autriche selo sello francobollo Austria postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया francobollo Austria スタンプ オーストリア bélyegek Ausztria แสตมป์ ออสเตรีย frimerker østerrike perangko Austria razítka Rakousko 우표 오스트리아 pulları Avusturya בולים אוסטריה markas Austrija 邮票 奥地利 Briefmarken Österreich

Tags:   car Auto automobil Auto macchina автомоби́ль 汽车 Wagen stamp Austria postage timbre Autriche selo sello francobollo postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया スタンプ オーストリア bélyegek Ausztria แสตมป์ ออสเตรีย frimerker østerrike perangko razítka Rakousko 우표 오스트리아 pulları Avusturya בולים אוסטריה markas 邮票 奥地利 Briefmarken stamps 切手 Briefmarke zegel zegels марки znaczki frimärken bollo francobolli bolli postes timbres sellos selos Batmobile superhero Batman Batmobil Бэтмобиль Batmóvel 蝙蝠車

N 132 B 23.7K C 43 E Sep 26, 2013 F Sep 28, 2013
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp Austria postage 145c Lohner L 125 scooter (1954) ( motorcycle, Roller, veicolo, Motoneta) stamp timbre Autriche selo sello francobollo Austria postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया francobollo Austria スタンプ オーストリア bélyegek Ausztria แสตมป์ ออสเตรีย frimerker østerrike perangko Austria razítka Rakousko 우표 오스트리아 pulları Avusturya בולים אוסטריה markas Austrija 邮票 奥地利 Briefmarken Österreich 145c Lohner L125

Tags:   stamps 145 stamp 切手 Briefmarke Briefmarken スタンプ Postzegel zegel zegels марки टिकटों แสตมป์ znaczki 우표 Frimærker frimärken frimerker 邮票 طوابع bollo francobollo francobolli bolli postes timbres Sello sellos Selo selos razítka γραμματόσημα bélyegek markica antspaudai маркица pulları tem perangko Austria Österreich Autriche Oostenrijk Ausztria Rakousko Austrija mail 火车 timbru posta pulu pulu timbres-poste Roller Lohner scooter 1954 motorcycle veicolo Motoneta red rot white 2012

N 0 B 2.3K C 0 E Sep 20, 2010 F Sep 30, 2010
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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beautiful stamp Austria timbres Autriche Österreich Briefmarke 3.50 Schilling yellow Oberwart Burgenland Austria church timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke francobollo revenue frankatur
following info 'bout this stamp-theme with friendly acceptance by austrian post:
Landscapes of Austria (Church at Oberwart Burgenland)

The region surrounding Oberwart in southern Burgenland is ancient cultural territory whose history is characterized by it´s fate as a border region. Traces of a settlement date back to the New Stone Age. Today´s city emerged mainly from the fusion of two old, peripherally-located cities. This city experienced it´s greatest upswing in the 19th century. Oberwart received market rights in 1841, and on July 6, 1939 it was raised to the status of a city. The first church must have emerged around the year1400. A document from the year 1463 names a church dedicated to Saint John the Baptist which must have already been a parish. In it´s present form the church at Oberwart represents the expansion of an old church which was undertaken from 1967 to 1969.The entire grounds encompass two sections and wide steps on both sides leading to the entrance of the old church. The section to the right connects the church hall to the sacristy, priest chambers and workday chapel.

Tags:   stamps revenue porto briefmarken timbres selo sello bollo francobollo franco postage frankatur marka orange naranja arancio 橙色的 оранжевого цвета estampillé bollato visé philatélique Philatelie philately filatelia 集邮 филателия Marka Австрия Австрия Àodìlì yóupiào sellos postal марка марка Австрия yóupiào Àodìlì Republik Österreich Schilling Groschen yellow gelb yellow stamp jíyóu марка Европа yóupiào Ōuzhōu jaune timbre-poste postes selo de correio sello de correo frimaerke Oostenrijk postzegel zegels holy saint glory 切手 Austria posta pulu pulu timbres-poste

N 0 B 3.4K C 0 E Jan 23, 2009 F Apr 6, 2010
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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austrian stamps Austria postes timbre Autriche cow "Inneralpbach Tirol" Alpbach Austria alps Tyrol Monocolor / overprint stamp bollo Austria sellos selos postage 55c 2003 zegel postzegel Oostenrijk
following info 'bout this stamp-theme with friendly acceptance by austrian post:

Stamp overprinted with new design: enclosure

Following on from the artistic overprint of the Euro 0.51 definitive depicting the "Schönlaterngasse" (Beautiful lantern alley) the remaining definitives, which no longer correspond to the new tariffs, have now likewise been overprinted with the new standard value of 55 cents. Students of the University for Applied Arts in Vienna were invited to compete in the production of the best design. The task was to create original graphic designs with which the old nominal values would be overprinted. The students of 2 master classes set about the project with great enthusiasm and came up with excellent, innovative and unexpected ideas. The best designs were selected by a panel of judges in conjunction with the Austrian Post AG and are now available as stamps. In 2005 eight definitives were reissued as the new overprinted Euro 0.55 stamps.
Euro 0.13 – the Inneralpbach cow now lies contentedly within an enclosure.

Tags:   stamp briefmarke Tirol Tyrol Alpbach Inneralpbach austria österreich autriche selos bollos timbre postage porto bilder 奥地利 Австрия kuh alpen cow alps animal design overprint überdruck selo franco bollo revenue sellos francobollo francobolli brown braun eurocent euro cent 2003 stamps briefmarken marke stempel collection sammlung Republik Österreich germany sello Frankatur mythical creatures Tiere Fabelwesen estampillé bollato visé Àodìlì timbre-poste オーストリア Österrike Avusturya Αυστρία النمسا postes Oostenrijk € 切手 timbru почтовые марки डाक टिकटों timbres-poste timbres postage stamps 邮票 perangko perangko posta pulu pulu

N 86 B 4.7K C 8 E Feb 24, 2019 F Mar 5, 2019
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp Austria 65c Kastell Gerulata / Gerulate (ancient Roman military camp located near Bratislava, Slovakia; 1st-4th century AD; römische Befestigung 1.-4. Jhdt. n.Chr.) postage timbre Autriche selo sello francobollo Austria почтовые марки Австрия postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया francobollo Austria 切手 スタンプ オーストリア bélyegek Ausztria แสตมป์ ออสเตรีย frimerker østerrike perangko Austria razítka Rakousko 우표 오스트리아 pulları Avusturya בולים אוסטריה markas Austrija 邮票 奥地利 Briefmarken Österreich

more Information 'bout this theme on Wikipedia:

mehr Information auf Wikipedia:

Tags:   Österreich Austria Autriche 奥地利 østrig Oostenrijk Itävalta Αυστρία ऑस्ट्रिया Ausztria オーストリア 오스트리아 østerrike Австрия Аустрија Rakúsko Rakousko avstrija österrike ออสเตรีย Avusturya Austrija Austurríki stamps znaczków pocztowych selyo poštové známky stamp 切手 Briefmarke Briefmarken スタンプ Postzegel zegel zegels марки टिकटों แสตมป์ znaczki 우표 Frimærker frimärken frimerker 邮票 طوابع bollo francobolli bolli postes timbres sellos selos razítka γραμματόσημα bélyegek Gerulata roman history Geschichte Bratislava Gerulate horse Slovakia Slowakei Slovensko Antická Gerulata
