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User / stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :) / Sets / stamps coat of arms, flags, armorial bearings, hatchments, knights, castles, Fahnen, briefmarken burgen schlösser Wappen Ritter
84 items

N 3 B 3.1K C 0 E Mar 17, 2011 F Apr 6, 2011
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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Hieronymus Carl Friedrich von Münchhausen 11. Mai 1720 / born 5/11/1720 Baron Muenchhausen, Baron de Münchhausen, Barão de Münchhausen, stamp Germany timbre allemagne selo sello alemanha francobolli Germany bollo postage stamp horse rider

Tags:   timbre-poste grün green vert verde 绿 зелёный 20 rider horse stamp timbre postage porto bolli franco francobolli Briefmarke Baron Poste Timbre selo sello selos mapka marka Frimaerke postes selo de correio sello de correo أخضر 绿色 зеленый 緑 verts yeşil हरा สีเขียว πράσινος zöld 녹색 zielony 切手 posta pulu pulu timbres-poste

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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp Austria 55c (Russland Russia, soccer football) timbre Autriche selo sello francobollo Austria postzegel Oostenrijk طوابع النمسا frimærker østrig markica Austrija टिकटों ऑस्ट्रिया francobollo Austria スタンプ オーストリア bélyegek Ausztria แสตมป์ ออสเตรีย frimerker østerrike perangko Austria razítka Rakousko 우표 오스트리아 pulları Avusturya בולים אוסטריה markas Austrija 邮票 奥地利 Briefmarken Österreich 55c

Tags:   stamps 55 stamp 切手 Briefmarke Briefmarken スタンプ Postzegel zegel zegels марки टिकटों แสตมป์ znaczki 우표 Frimærker frimärken frimerker 邮票 طوابع bollo francobollo francobolli bolli postes timbres Sello sellos Selo selos razítka γραμματόσημα bélyegek markica antspaudai маркица pulları tem perangko Austria Österreich Autriche Oostenrijk Ausztria Rakousko Austrija 火车 timbru pulu soccer Fußball calcio サッカー ποδόσφαιρο футбол फुटबाल putbol voetbal كرة القدم fotboll السويد Швеция 瑞典 futbolas كرة القدم futebol fodbold Russia Russland Россия روسيا 俄罗斯 Rusland Rosja

N 34 B 8.8K C 14 E Jul 1, 2013 F Oct 14, 2013
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp Eire Ireland 2.5 p coat of arms hatchment postage timbre selo แสตมป์ ไอร์แลนด์ stampa Eire марки Ирландия スタンプ アイルランド francobolli Irlanda bélyegek Írország 우표 아일랜드 markas Īrija frimerker टिकटों आयरलैंड znaczki Irlandia маркица Ирска 邮票 爱尔兰

Tags:   stamps postage porto Briefmarke poste-timbre timbres francobolli bollo bolli sello selo sellos Briefmarken 邮票 yóupiào марка почтовая марка revenue пощенски разноски frimærker templite ταχυδρομικά τέλη 送料 우편 요금 poštarina pašto išlaidos Wysyłka frimärken маркица pečiatky ค่าไปรษณีย์ pullar poštovné bélyegek bưu chính tem Frimaerke timbre-poste postes selo de correio sello de correo 切手 posta pulu pulu timbres-poste

N 2 B 5.9K C 0 E Oct 23, 2011 F May 24, 2011
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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french stamp France Postes 3 f postage Dauphine poste timbre Republique Francaise selo França francobolli Francia sello 邮票 法国 yóupiào Fǎguó почтовая марка Франция ongkos kirim perangko Perancis رسوم البريد طوابع فرنسا postaköltség bélyegek Franciaország pullar Fransa posta ücreti timbre poste stamp маркица selo franco bollo postage تمبر porto sellos marka briefmarke francobollo revenue frankatur 邮票 yóupiào почтовая марка ταχυδρομικά τέλη 우편 요금 送料 スタンプ antspaudai pullar znaczki डाक टिकटें marke halaga ng selyo frimærker طوابع revenue

Tags:   stamps stamp France Frankreich Republique Francaise Dauphine Delphin timbres timbre porto postage briefmarken sellos selos franco bolli francobolli postes french postes timbres blue blau أزرق 蓝色 ブルー синий mavi azzur blu bleue niebieski azul blå kék blauw biru สีน้ำเงิน modrý μπλε כחול 푸른 नीला sininen плава màu xanh asul blár zils mėlynas plava blou 切手 timbru posta pulu pulu timbres-poste

N 49 B 3.2K C 0 E May 6, 2021 F May 6, 2021
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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**May, 6th, Scottish Parliament election** beautiful 2 1/2p regionalstamp Scotland timbre Machin Great Britain GB UK United Kingdom England Commonwealth Grossbritannien Queen Elizabeth QEII selo postage Royal Mail Windsor timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke francobollo revenue frankatur zegels postzegels marka ელისაბედ II エリザベス2世, 伊麗莎白二世 , एलिजा़बेथ , ملکہ الزبتھ II Elisabetta II , Елізавета ІІ ,

Tags:   stamp Briefmarke timbre Great Britain GB England Commonwealth Grossbritannien Machin Queen Elizabeth Queen Elisabeth decimal QEII selo postage Royal Mail briefmarken francobollo stamps porto Frankatur Stempel bollo franco revenue marka Postes Poste portrait porträt портрет retrato 2 1/2p red pink rosa Schottland Scotland regional timbre-poste Windsor Gran Bretagna Gran Bretaña
