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User / stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :) / Sets / color study - red stamps rojo 红 красный vermilion rosso 붉은 حمر kırmızı אדום สีแดง rdeča rot rouges merah piros
243 items

N 65 B 12.8K C 17 E Nov 3, 2013 F Nov 6, 2013
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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beautiful stamp Germany (Rosa borboniana, Bourbonrose) Red Rose, stamp Red Rose germany stamp postage 80+40 pfennig charity stamp selo alemanha sellos 우표 독일 유럽 sellos Alemania selos Alemanha γραμματόσημα Γερμανία frimerker Tyskland markica Njemačka pullari Almanya スタンプ ドイツの ヨーロッパ postzegels duitsland porto franco francobolli wohlfahrtspflege timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke

Tags:   bilder blumen flowers timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage revenue porto sellos marka briefmarke francobollo allemand red rot francobolli pfennig d-mark mark 1982 stamps briefmarken marke stempel selos collection sammlung germany frg federal republic of germany bundesrepublik deutschland sello Frankatur duitsland марка Германия rouge rojo rosso estampillé bollato visé philatélique Philatelie philately filatelia 集邮 филателия flores timbre-poste postes 红 赤 vermelho красный लाल merah kırmızı piros màu đỏ สีแดง 切手 أحمر rood punainen rouges czerwony सड़ांध κόκκινος posta pulu pulu timbres-poste

N 4 B 3.2K C 0 E Jan 13, 2010 F Feb 14, 2010
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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stamps Germany 40 pf. Heinrich Schuetz notes noten organ orgel orgelbau postes timbre Allemagne selo sellos Alemanha Allemania francobolli bollo Germany postzegel zegels Duitsland marka mapka porto Germany Allemagne Alemanha Alemania Duitsland Deutschland timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke

Tags:   organ orgel orgelbau schütz schuetz composer komponist timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage revenue porto sellos marka briefmarke bilder francobollo allemand red rot francobolli pfennig d-mark mark music musik Christianity christentum stamps briefmarken marke stempel selos collection sammlung germany frg federal republic of germany bundesrepublik deutschland sello Frankatur duitsland марка Германия rouge rojo rosso марка jíyóu timbre-poste postes 红 赤 vermelho красный kırmızı สีแดง 切手 أحمر rood punainen rouges czerwony merah सड़ांध κόκκινος 붉은 piros rdeča posta pulu pulu timbres-poste 艺术

N 0 B 7.3K C 0 E Dec 15, 2010 F Dec 16, 2010
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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stamp Helvetia Suisse timbre Swizz Schweiz Briefmarke postage 2 FR porto bollo Ruìshì Швейцария franco timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke francobollo revenue frankatur postzegels zegels

Tags:   Marka Postage Porto Franco Briefmarke stamp stamps francobollo timbres timbre sellos selo bollo red rot марка jíyóu 集邮 марка Европа yóupiào Ōuzhōu timbre-poste rouge rojo rosso 红 алый postes portrait портрет ポートレート 肖像 retrato portret صورة portré लाल 赤 merah kırmızı piros สีแดง màu đỏ 切手 أحمر rood punainen rouges czerwony vermelho सड़ांध κόκκινος 붉은 rdeča červený vermilion красный بورتريه 肖像画 Ritratto Portre ภาพเหมือน posta pulu pulu timbres-poste

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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

* * * * * * * * *
german stamp Germany postage 10 zegels postzegel porto postes timbre Allemagne selo Alemanha sellos Alemania francobollo Germany

Tags:   Germany german Deutschland Alemanha Allemagne Allemania stamp stamps bollo bolli francobollo francobolli timbre timbres postes timbre selo selos sello sellos postzegel zegels zegel Briefmarke Briefmarken mapka marka porto franco postzegels postes postage طوابع 邮票 razítka markica frimærker postimerkkejä γραμματόσημα בולים टिकटों bélyegek スタンプ 우표 antspaudai frimerker znaczki znamk pulları แสตมป์ markas postes timbres red rot rouge 红 赤 vermelho красный rosso kırmızı rojo สีแดง लाल merah piros màu đỏ 切手 أحمر rood punainen rouges czerwony सड़ांध κόκκινος Марки

N 1 B 5.4K C 0 E Feb 6, 2010 F Feb 14, 2010
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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brazil stamp $2,50 correio orange postage revenue porto brasil timbre Brasile bollo sello marke brasilien briefmarke 巴西 邮票 yóupiào Bāxī Бразилия марка beautiful stamp Brasil Brazil Brasilien South America
timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke Brasilien Brazil Brasil selos stamps sellos

Tags:   brazil brasil brasilien cruzeiro centavo cruzado Cz dollar cruzeiros correio stamp franco postage briefmarke timbre selo revenue sello marke marka portrait portraet famous retrato ritratto bollo porto sellos francobollo orange francobolli stamps briefmarken selos collection sammlung Frankatur naranja arancio 橙色的 оранжевого цвета estampillé bollato visé philatélique Philatelie philately filatelia 集邮 филателия vintage red $2,50 Brasile 巴西 邮票 yóupiào Bāxī Бразилия марка timbre-poste postes 切手 红 أحمر rood punainen rouges rot rosso 赤 posta pulu pulu timbres-poste
