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User / stampolina, thx for sending stamps! :) / Sets / stamps Asia टिकटों एशिया timbre asie 邮票 亚洲 марки Азия 우표 아시아 آسیا تمبر پستی frimerker asia Briefmarken Asien selos sellos Asia francobolli
85 items

N 84 B 4.5K C 6 E Jan 8, 2020 F Feb 7, 2020
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp Republic of China - Taiwan 10$ (old chinese porcelain enamel vase, alt-chinesische Email-Arbeiten, Vase, Ming-Dynastie) 中华民国 timbre selo bollo francobolli porto postage chine

Tags:   Porzellan Porcelain Tajvan porcelaine 瓷器 Kínai Köztársaság Taïwan Repubblica di Cina Porculan porcelán porcellana Porcelan Republic of China stamp timbre Briefmarken postage revenue marka selo bollo francobollo sellos stamps porto marke briefmarke Taiwan Vase Porzelan Ming

N 125 B 16.8K C 20 E Mar 6, 2011 F Aug 15, 2015
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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wonderful stamp Nippon Japan Ιαπωνία 부처 Buda Марки Buddha (Chuson-ji, Hiraizumi) Βούδας timbre postage 260 franco bollo Ιαπωνία γραμματόσημα 日本 邮票 日本の 切手 부처 Япония Марки postage franco اليابان الطوابع البريدية selo Japão bollo francobollo Giappone timbre Japon जापान डाक टिकटों stamp 일본 우표 selo francobollo timbre stamp selo franco bollo postage porto sellos marka briefmarke

Tags:   stamp timbre selo sello sellos francobollo francobolli Марки pullar bolli bollo Nippon Japan Ιαπωνία 부처 Buda Buddha Βούδας postage selos timbre-poste Frimaerke postes portrait портрет ポートレート 肖像 retrato portret صورة portré religion holy 切手 بورتريه 肖像画 Ritratto Portre ภาพเหมือน 260 yen posta pulu pulu timbres-poste mythology

N 78 B 41.1K C 26 E Mar 23, 2013 F Mar 24, 2013
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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stamp India Air mail 2 Annas King George V. & biplane 牛 印度 Индия timbre par avion selo Inde sello fancobolli bollo India old stamp India postage टिकटों भारत बाघ 邮票 印度 francobolli selo sello India スタンプ インドの postzegel zegels India 우표 인도 طوابع الهند znaczki Indie марки Индия тигр frimerker India frimärken Briefmarken Flugpost Indien pullari Hindistan tem Ấn Độ postes timbre Inde τίγρη γραμματόσημα Ινδία

Tags:   הודו الهند India Indien 印度 Indie Индия Indië Intia l'Inde Inde Ινδία भारत インドの 인도 Indija Индија Índia ประเทศอินเดีย Hindistan Ấn Độ stamps stamp znaczków pocztowych selyo poštové známky 切手 Briefmarke Briefmarken スタンプ Postzegel zegel zegels марки टिकटों แสตมป์ znaczki 우표 Frimærker frimärken frimerker 邮票 طوابع bollo francobollo francobolli bolli postes timbres Sello sellos Selo selos razítka γραμματόσημα bélyegek markica antspaudai маркица pulları tem perangko old vintage posta pulu pulu timbres-poste Air mail George George V. Commonwealth Flugpost par avion biplane 2

N 71 B 5.6K C 19 E Feb 15, 2021 F Feb 23, 2021
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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great stamp China 800 $ Chu Yuan / Qu Yuan (350-275 (BC) v. Chr.), chinesischer Philosoph & Poet; chinese philosopher) People's Republic of China PRC timbre Chine postage 中華人民共和國 selo sello China francobolli Cina почтовая марка Китайская Народная Республика pullar Çin 邮票 中 Briefmarken China stamp timbre poste-timbre bolli francobolli sello franco porto postage Briefmarken selo bollo stamps почтовая марка 邮票 yóupiào γραμματόσημα frimærker 우표 markas znaczki posta ücreti pullar ค่าไปรษณีย์ bélyegek China

more info here on wikipedia:

Tags:   China Chine stamp timbre poste-timbre bolli francobolli sello franco porto postage Briefmarken selo bollo stamps почтовая марка 邮票 yóupiào γραμματόσημα frimærker 우표 markas znaczki posta ücreti pullar ค่าไปรษณีย์ bélyegek Frimaerke timbre-poste postes postes timbres posta pulu pulu timbres-poste Asien Asia bw sw black and white Chu Yuan Qu Yuan Philosoph philosopher old ancient poet

N 46 B 12.9K C 39 E May 14, 2013 F May 16, 2013
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*** *** ***
I'm stampolina and I love to take photos of stamps. Thanks for visiting this pages on flickr.

I'm neither a typical collector of stamps, nor a stamp dealer. I'm only a stamp photograph. I'm fascinated of the fine close-up structures which are hidden in this small stamp-pictures. Please don't ask of the worth of these stamps - the most ones have a worth of a few cents or still less.

By the way, I wanna say thank you to all flickr users who have sent me stamps! Great! Thank you! Someone sent me 3 or 5 stamps, another one sent me more than 20 stamps in a letter. It's everytime a great surprise for me and I'm everytime happy to get letters with stamps inside from you!
thx, stampolina

For the case you wanna send also stamps - it is possible. (...I'm pretty sure you'll see these stamps on this photostream on flickr :) thx!

P.O.Box / Postfach 6
3250 Wieselburg
Austria - Europe

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beautiful stamp Singapore 10c pink flower fleur 花朵 цвето́к flor fiore kwiat timbre Singapour stamps selo franco bollo Singapur 10c postage 新加坡 一张邮票 porto sellos Сингапу́р ма́рка marka briefmarke francobollo revenue frankatur Singapore stamps 10c

Tags:   nice beautiful pink red flower Blume Singapore Singapur stamp timbre Briefmarken postage revenue marka selo bollo francobollo sellos stamps porto marke briefmarke stempel selos sello franco Frankatur estampillé bollato philatélique Philatelie philately filatelia 集邮 филателия марка jíyóu timbre-poste postes 切手 timbru почтовые марки डाक टिकटों timbres-poste timbres postage stamps posta pulu pulu 10 fleur 花朵 цвето́к flor fiore kwiat
