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User / stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views) / Sets / Brooklyn Parrots
Stan Lupo / 13 items

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The Quaker Parrot, aka Monk Parakeet is an accidental release that lives successfully in the urban areas of the Northeast United States, particularly in Brooklyn, N.Y. It is believed to have been accidentally released at Kennedy Airport around 1967, and has successfully colonized in parts of New York and New Jersey. New Jersey, Staten Island and other places have tried to eradicate these colonies, and have deemed them as "possibly harmful". There is a "live and let live" attitude prevailing in Brooklyn, and these parakeets are well-entrenched.
The plight of these "illegal avians" are being watched carefully by Mr. Steven Baldwin, who educates people about their habits and leads "Parrot Safaris" through Brooklyn. My thanks to Mr. Baldwin for his informative parrot walk.

Field Light outside Brooklyn College campus.
Nov 2, 2013

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The Quaker Parrot, aka Monk Parakeet is an accidental release that lives successfully in the urban areas of the Northeast United States, particularly in Brooklyn, N.Y. It is believed to have been accidentally released at Kennedy Airport around 1967, and has successfully colonized in parts of New York and New Jersey. New Jersey, Staten Island and other places have tried to eradicate these colonies, and have deemed them as "possibly harmful". There is a "live and let live" attitude prevailing in Brooklyn, and these parakeets are well-entrenched.
The plight of these "illegal avians" are being watched carefully by Mr. Steven Baldwin, who educates people about their habits and leads "Parrot Safaris" through Brooklyn. My thanks to Mr. Baldwin for his informative parrot walk.

Nov 2, 2013

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The Quaker Parrot, aka Monk Parakeet is an accidental release that lives successfully in the urban areas of the Northeast United States, particularly in Brooklyn, N.Y. It is believed to have been accidentally released at Kennedy Airport around 1967, and has successfully colonized in parts of New York and New Jersey. New Jersey, Staten Island and other places have tried to eradicate these colonies, and have deemed them as "possibly harmful". There is a "live and let live" attitude prevailing in Brooklyn, and these parakeets are well-entrenched.
The plight of these "illegal avians" are being watched carefully by Mr. Steven Baldwin, who educates people about their habits and leads "Parrot Safaris" through Brooklyn. My thanks to Mr. Baldwin for his informative parrot walk.

I cannot reveal this location since it would endanger the parrots well-being. They have been victimized by bird poachers in the past, but the watchful neighbors have thwarted those attempts.
Nov 2, 2013

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The Quaker Parrot, aka Monk Parakeet is an accidental release that lives successfully in the urban areas of the Northeast United States, particularly in Brooklyn, N.Y. It is believed to have been accidentally released at Kennedy Airport around 1967, and has successfully colonized in parts of New York and New Jersey. New Jersey, Staten Island and other places have tried to eradicate these colonies, and have deemed them as "possibly harmful". There is a "live and let live" attitude prevailing in Brooklyn, and these parakeets are well-entrenched.
The plight of these "illegal avians" is being watched carefully by Mr. Steven Baldwin, who educates people about their habits and leads "Parrot Safaris" through Brooklyn. My thanks to Mr. Baldwin for his informative parrot walk.
Nov 2, 2013

Tags:   Quaker Parrots Monk Parakeets Brooklyn Parrots

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The Parrot works to refine the nest in the Locust Tree. This nest survived Hurricane Sandy.
Brooklyn, NY
Nov 2, 2013
