Autumn is a time of falling and shedding: plants lose their leaves, birds molt into their winter plumage. No wonder Autumn is called "Fall". This series pays tribute to "Autumn Shedding".
Tags: Autumn Autumn Leaves Moulting Feathers Nature Up Close Close-Up Photography
This Comma Butterfly seems to favor Canon lenses! I got the picture, the photographer holding the lens didn't. Too bad!
Tags: Humor Photohumorism Butterflies Butterfly Photography Insects Insect Photography Lepidoptera Comma Butterfly Canon Nature Nature Up Close Outdoors Outdoor Photography
There it is! The scourge of the New Jersey Shore...the relentless, the merciless, the vicious Green-head!
Photographed on the side-view mirror just trying to get into our car to have his way with us.
Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Preserve
Aug 27, 2014
Happy Flyday Friday
Tags: Flyday Friday Green-headed Fly New Jersey Shore Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Preserve Unlimited Macro
The next series of images is dedicated to the art and vision of Mike Moats (
Tags: Nature Photography Nature Up-Close Close-Up Photography Macro Macrophotography