Magee Marsh
May 24, 2015
Another "life" bird for me.
Magee Marsh
May 24, 2015
Tags: Vireos Blue-headed Vireo Magee Marsh Avian Photography Bird Photography Nature Outdoors
Magee Marsh
May 24, 2015
Tags: Birds in Flight Raptors in Flight Eagles American Bald Eagle Avian Art Avian Photography Bird Photography Eagle in Flight Magee Marsh
May 24, 2015
Tags: Corvidae Oriole Baltimore Oriole Birds as Art Avian Art Avian Photography Bird Photography Nature Magee Marsh Outdoors
I had to go to Magee Marsh to see my FOY Yellow Warbler.
Tags: Birds Birds on Things Avian Art Avian Photography Birds as Art Bird Photography Yellow Warblers Yellow Warblers Leaves First of the Year Bird Magee Marsh Nature Outdoors Wildlife