The Puffin emerged from the nest still carrying the sandeels in his/her mouth! This gave us our photo opportunity.
Machias Seal Island
July 10, 2015
Tags: Avian Art Avian Photography Birds as Art Bird Photography Atlantic Puffin Birds on Nests Nature Wildlife Machias Seal Island
Puffin with Sand Eels on Machias Seal Island
Tags: Atlantic Puffins Sanders Avian Photography Bird Photography Machias Seal Island
An Atlantic Puffin flying over the Bay of Fundy.
Tags: Birds in Flight Avian Art Avian Photography Birds as Art Bird Photography Atlantic Puffin Nature Wildlife Bay of Fundy Machias Seal Island
Machias Seal Island.
July 10, 2015
Tags: Avian Art Avian Photography Birds as Art Bird Photography Atlantic Puffin Bokeh DOF Nature Wildlife Machias Seal Island
The Puffin went into the nest and came out again, still carrying his bill full of fish. That gave us this photo opportunity.
Machias Seal Island
July 10, 2015
Tags: Atlantic Puffins Avian Photography Bird Photography Sand Eels Machias Seal Island Nature Wildlife