River Wye, Chee Dale, Derbyshire.
510 Pyro and CMS 20 is a work in progress and since making this photograph haven't had the opportunity to try again, but I think you can see there are good possibilities with this combination.
This photograph was exposed at 6 ISO because I'd read that all conventional developers lower the film speed considerably. But from my negatives, processed at 21c for 7 minutes it is clear to me that I over exposed and under developed the film. Next time I would try CMS20 at 12 ISO, maybe even 20 ISO (!), and semi stand develop for 8 or 9 minutes. As they are the negatives are very contrasty with plenty of rich mid-tones, but shadow detail falls away rapidly. It was a sunny day with lots of highlights and shade, and I'd used an 'average' Zone V meter reading. So my thoughts are that the film definitly isn't 6 ISO in 510 Pyro, and if you allow the developer to work on the shadow detail a reasonable negative will be the result.
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