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User / Christer Johansen / Sets
Christer Johansen / 11 items

7 photos
x100 and x-pro1

.rolleiflex SL66
1 photo
Medium format. Finally!

60 photos
German stuff......along with Canon LTM, some Zeiss and a Cron as well.

103 photos
Mono is the new.......something.

.tilt shift stories
38 photos
A little focus, and a load of blur

36.1 to 37.8 degrees celsius
49 photos
Humans, mostly

38.0 to 39.2 degrees celsius
14 photos
Four legged ones........mostly.

66 photos
Mostly 50mm 1.4......and a few 100mm macro 2.8. I think.

8 photos
Helios-44M-6 58mm f/2 Russian bokeh machine!

11 photos
Because so little can add so much

6 photos
Because two are very often better than one.