So now I've been using Lucis Pro 6.0 for over a month. I was hesitant to write a review and tutorial before I had processed a multitude of images. I feel like I have gotten the hang of it and figured enough stuff out to make a little tutorial. You can get there by clicking on the
Lucis Tutorial here, or you can find it over there in the right column by all the other Tutorials.
In short, even though Lucis Pro is expensive, it will let you do a lot of things that are unique. You can also almost entirely circumnavigate the old HDR flow to create an HDR photo very quickly.
When I started the blog at, I never thought I would end up writing so many reviews and tutorials and stuff! I don't think I am particularly good at it, but people seem to get a kick out of it, so I'll keep it up!
This is the latest photo I have processed with Lucis Pro 6.0 -- there are several more samples in the Tutorial.