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User / Trey Ratcliff / Talking on the Jeejah
Trey Ratcliff / 6,452 items
One morning when I was walking around Angkor Wat, I saw this monk there, chatting away on his mobile phone. I thought it was just all so unusual -- I had to take a shot! Many monks from all over Asia come here on pilgrimage. I suppose he could have been talking to someone in his home precinct. Are they called precincts? I don't know.

Also, if any of you have read the new Neal Stephenson book, you will get the "Jeejah" reference. It's a very interesting book about, well... I am not ruining anything here, but it starts out with the tale of a monk. They are not familiar with all the technologies used by the outside (extramuros) world, and they call mobile phones "jeejahs". There is a whole array of new words in there for the new world he has created... his books are thought provoking as always.

from the blog at www.stuckincustoms.com
  • Views: 76926
  • Comments: 40
  • Favorites: 65
  • Taken: Jun 2, 2007
  • Uploaded: Oct 3, 2009
  • Updated: Mar 28, 2012