Like any big city, Tokyo has many huge neighborhoods, each with their own personality. One of the quirkiest is an area called "Harajuku". I don't know if I can accurately describe it, but I'll try!
It's a place where the most outrageous of the outrageous congregate. You've probably seen those Japanese people that like to dress up like anime characters and the like. Well that's kind of the starting point. It goes onward from there, with everything from girls covered in pink frills to goth men wearing gas masks. In fact, in
that little video I made, you can see a pair of legs/shoes in differing colors that I shot in Harajuku. This guy below was with a group of extreme rockers that were parading around the streets. They all seemed to love having their photo taken... which was cool. I could have gone to that place every day to take photos... I've got some other crazy ones in the hopper too for the future!
from the blog