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User / Trey Ratcliff / Sets / North Carolina
Trey Ratcliff / 1 item

N 97 B 40.9K C 43 E Jan 20, 2010 F Apr 29, 2010
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Daily Photo - The Chemical Pool
I was driving from Tampa, Florida up to Washington, DC. Along the way, about halfway through North Carolina, near a little town called Rowland, I found an abandoned motel. It was called the "Family Inns of America".

It looked like every roadside hotel you've ever seen, except it looked like it had run through about 20 different horror movies. Every room was completely gutted and scary, almost all the windows were broken, and the playground was rusted and creaked. I jumped out of the car with Ethan and we walked around, exploring the place. At one point, we found a bunch of old pink insulation pouring out of a split wall. My son had never seen insulation before and he asked what it was. I said, "I think it's a pig skin." That freaked him out big time. Oh yeah.

We stopped momentarily at the central pool, located right in the middle of the dilapidated complex.
Golden Ratio Video
Some of you that have heard me speak (or maybe from the Google Speech) know that I rant on and on about Composition, Phi, and the Golden Ratio. One of my New Zealander friends sent me this beautiful video below about numbers, math, Fibonacci, Phi, and all that good stuff.

from the blog www.stuckincustoms.com

Tags:   stuck customs stuckincustoms stuckincustoms.com trey ratcliff treyratcliff travel blog travelblog hdr tutorial hdrtutorial imaging photography digital high dynamic range processing world north America united states usa east coast Rowland north Carolina nc Carolina Robeson county abandoned dilapidated pool rusty decrepit ghost urban exploration urban exploration rundown run down eerie neglect urban wilderness stagnant water swimming ghost town motel hotel creepy January 2010 Nikon d3x
