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User / Sue Milks
Sue Milks / 3,996 items

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Small tern with an entirely black body in breeding plumage with silvery wings. In the winter, their body is whitish-gray and they are not as conspicuous, but note small size, rather dark gray wings and rump, and black "helmet." Breeds in colonies in freshwater marshes and ponds. Builds a floating nest of plant matter. In migration and winter, often found in flocks. Feeds on insects and small fish. (eBird)
Suddenly - the terns that had been flying out over the marsh were coming right at us. They flew over and around us as we paused on the dike to take photos, voicing their displeasure at our presence. We quickly realized that we must have been too close to their nests and so we hurried on and got out of the line of fire.

Tiny Marsh, Tiny, Ontario, Canada. May 2023.

Tags:   Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM Canon EOS R6 Canada Ontario Simcoe Chlidonias niger surinamensis Black Tern Trauerseeschwalbe Fumarel Común Guifette noire Charadriformes Laridae Least Concern

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Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) - 20230603-05

Fairly small gull, common and widespread throughout most of North America. Breeding adults are white-headed with a bold black ring around the bill; nonbreeding adults have smudgy brown markings on the head. Note pale eye and yellow legs. Immatures are mottled brownish overall; note pink bill with black tip. Found along lakes, rivers, ponds, and beaches. More common inland than most other gull species, and quite fond of parking lots and urban areas. Often in flocks. Most similar to Short-billed Gull, but larger and larger-billed. Immatures of the two species are especially difficult to differentiate, but Ring-billed is usually more coarsely mottled. (eBird)
And now for something completely different. It's a bird, but not my usual style. I didn't realize how beautiful the water looked with the early morning sun sparkling across it until I downloaded my photos and found several of this almost adult gull taking off into the sunrise.

Nottawasaga Bay, Lake Huron, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. June 2023.

Tags:   Canon EOS R6 Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM Canada Ontario Simcoe Charadriiformes Laridae 2nd summer smile on saturday the shape of water Least Concern

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One of the most common and widespread warblers; often the core member of mixed warbler flocks during migration, especially early in spring and late in fall. Two main populations: “Audubon’s” breeds mainly in the mountains of the western U.S. and into British Columbia; “Myrtle” breeds from the eastern U.S. across Canada to Alaska. All plumages show a bright yellow rump and yellow on the sides. Most “Audubon’s” have a yellow throat, but dull immature females can be off-white. “Myrtle” Warblers have a white throat that wraps around below the cheek. Both subspecies breed in coniferous or mixed forests, often near clearings or edges. In migration and winter, found in any woodland or open shrubby area, including coastal dunes, fields, parks, and residential areas. Often sallies out from a conspicuous perch to snatch insects. Also eats berries in the winter. Calls frequently: a flat “check” (Myrtle) or rising “chit” (Audubon’s). Another distinctive sedentary population, surely a separate species, occurs very locally in the highlands of Guatemala: Goldman’s Warbler. Males are strikingly black overall, and show a mostly yellow throat with white corners. (eBird)
A young bird from last fall, it had us quite confused at first. At first glance it looked like a sparrow, and then it turned to display the bill and undertail pattern which confirmed its identity.

Andrew Haydon Park, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. August 2022.

Tags:   Canada Ontario Ottawa Parulidae Adult female/immature male Setophaga coronata coronata Yellow-rumped Warbler Kronenwaldsänger Reinita coronada Paruline à croupion jaune Least Concern

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Bold black-and-white wing patches are distinctive in flight. Nonbreeding birds are overall white below with warm brown and orange tones on head and back. During the breeding season they are white with black or gray on the back. Breeds on tundra at northern latitudes; forms flocks in the winter and moves south, often joining up with other species of field birds. Listen for distinctive tittering rattle and “tew” calls as they fly overhead. Foraging flocks also gives harsher buzzy calls. (eBird)
From last November. We had several flocks of Snow Buntings fly by while we were duck watching on the Ottawa River. These landed and were foraging in the dry grass for some seeds.

Shirley's Bay, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. November 2022.

Tags:   Canada Ontario Ottawa Calcariidae Adult female/immature male Plectrophenax nivalis nivalis Snow Bunting Schneeammer Escribano Nival Plectrophane des neiges Least Concern

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A heavy-set and colorful forest parrot of eastern Australian woodlands, forests, and gardens. Male has entirely orange-red head/chest/belly, female has bright orange-red belly, immature is emerald green. Feeds on fruiting trees and often comes to gardens and feeders. Makes a loud piercing metallic "squeak" like a forced metal hinge. (eBird)
The whole family came to wish us farewell as we left our lodge. They loved to sit on our heads and search us for treats. It was a fun break from having to search for a bird high up in the canopy.

Of course, it was still raining, so the photos were very noisy but as with any bird photography, you take what you can get.

O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat, Queensland, Australia. October 2022.
Eagle-Eye Tours - Eastern Australia.

Tags:   Eagle-Eye Tours Australia Queensland Immature Male Psittaciformes Psittaculidae Endemic Alisterus scapularis scapularis Australian King-Parrot Königssittich Papagayo Australiano Perruche royale Least Concern
