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Hiking the southern section’s Katherine River Gorge area in Nitmiluk National Park.

Tags:   Nitmiluk National Park Katherine Gorge Katherine Northern Territory Australia Katherine River sunset Explore NT Explore The Northern Territory Explore The NT About North Magazine About North magazine waterfall gorge walk hike canyon walk swimming Travelphotography walking walk trek trekking hikes strolling marching travel backpacking traveling outing excursion journey stroll Travelling

N 218 B 16.0K C 15 E Aug 14, 2019 F Aug 13, 2019
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Purnululu National park. Western Australia.

Purnululu National Park is 304km from Kununurra and 160km
from Halls Creek by road. It covers an area of 239,723 hectares
and has an adjacent conservation reserve of 79,602 hectares.
The Bungle Bungle Range, which includes an extraordinary
array of banded sandstone domes, covers 45,000 hectares of
the park. These dramatically sculptured natural formations
are unrivalled in their scale, grandeur and diversity of form
anywhere in the world.



Tags:   Bungle Bungles Purnululu whip Snake Gorge

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On The Beach.
Capturing the smaller, less imposing, beach scene.
Darwin on a 0.2meter low tide: 5 December 2017-12-07

Channel Island_19.1

Tags:   Corral; Darwin NT

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The Mary River catchment area is over 8,000 square kilometers (3,089 sq mi) but is ephemeral and only flows in the wet season, during the dry it is a series of pools and billabongs.[2]

The lower reaches of the Mary River form part of the Adelaide and Mary River Floodplains Important Bird Area. The river is noted for its population of saltwater crocodiles and is a breeding area for the Barramundi, the target fish species for recreational anglers in the area.[2] It is one of eight rivers in the Northern Territory with a large floodplain system in their catchment area.[3] The wetlands occupy an area of approximately 1,300 square kilometers (502 sq mi) and are predominantly freshwater, although they suffer from saltwater intrusion. The wetlands provide a mosaic of habitats.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_River_(Northern_Territory)Libby_57 web

Tags:   Corroboree Adelaide and Mary River Floodplains Mary River Corroborree Billabong Crocodile: Explore the Northern Territory Shane Bartie

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Channel Island near Darwin housed leprosy sufferers between 1931 and 1955.

Channel Island was the site of the first quarantine facility in the Northern Territory, with construction of the hospital and facilities completed in 1914.

In 1931, it was converted to a leprosarium. The settlement was finally abandoned in 1955. Although many buildings were dismantled and removed following the closure, many historical artefacts remain on the island. The jetty, foundations of the original quarantine hospital, burial sites and associated artifacts provide evidence of a unique period in Australia’s history.

Power and Water’s Channel Island Power Station complex borders the Reserve



Channel Island_43xyz.3

Tags:   swamp: Channel Island Tree; Dead Mangrove: NT: Australia: Shane Bartie 4X4: Top End
