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User / tahewitt / Sets
Tyler Hewitt / 41 items

Liminal Space
48 photos

The Institute
16 photos
The Institute Closeup photos of an architectural model of the Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing. Cyanotype prints on Rives BFK paper, 2006

Found Collage
69 photos
Old, torn, faded billboards, posters, signage, peeling paint, etc. that become collage over time.

My Work in Explore
62 photos

Kodak Pony 135
2 photos
Photos shot with a vintage Kodak Pony 135 camera made in the 1950's

Little Trees
7 photos

827 photos
Square format photos

Landscapes, Nature, Etc.
230 photos

39 photos
Seeing recognizable objects or patterns in random or unrelated information.

the orb
17 photos

Photo Manipulations
121 photos
Experiments in color and design. Post-processed photo adjustments and manipulated images retaining a (more or less) photographic presence.

32 photos
San Francisco's Sunset District

Abstract Photos
182 photos

2588 photos
Photos shot in and around Chicago

190 photos

The Night is Large
378 photos
Nighttime photography

Modern Man
23 photos

Black & White
874 photos

37 photos
A photo essay shot in downtown Chicago while on a shooting excursion with some of my students.

Wide Angle Shots
1064 photos

Blue Island Rainy Night
22 photos

Journey to the Heart of Geekdom
30 photos
Photos shot at C2E2-Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo

Diet and Exercise
52 photos

Digital Photos
3702 photos
Digital photos, various subjects and locations. Mostly straightforward post-processing.

560 photos
Images made/manipulated using various iPad apps.

18 photos

Digital Collage
116 photos

15 photos

5 photos
A photo from my book Damaged. Preview the entire book here: www.blurb.com/books/2261873-damaged

3 videos

77 photos
In this series, bland, generic phrases designed to be uplifting and empowering are superimposed over intentionally flawed photographs showing mundane subjects, exposing the conflicted and passive...

Political Advertising
18 photos

Collage on Postcards
130 photos

Flipped Lens Photos
34 photos
Shot using a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye camera with a reversed lens.

37 photos

Cyanotype Bookmarks
27 photos
These are bookmarks handmade using the cyanotype printing process. I sell these, send me an email if you're interested.

Polaroid Lifts and Transfers
37 photos

596 photos

126 photos
Panography (aka joiners and Hockneyesque photography is a photographic technique in which an image is assembled from several overlapping photographs. The photos aren't blended, which allows for...

46 photos
Photos shot using a Nishika N8000 3D Camera with four lenses, mostly using expired film.

Alternative Process
37 photos
Alternative process photographic prints