Someone in Bärestwil, small village in the Zürcher Oberland in Switzerland, collected all the Santa Claus that he found, and displayed them around the Christmas time in a small wooden hut with a huge window in the front, for everybody to see them, and I took the opportunity to take some pictures of it...
Tags: santa christmas exhibition PhotoFaceOffWinner PFOGold switzerland
Someone in Bärestwil, small village in the Zürcher Oberland in Switzerland, collected all the Santa Claus that he found, and displayed them around the Christmas time in a small wooden hut with a huge window in the front, for everybody to see them, and I took the opportunity to take some pictures of it...
Tags: santa christmas exhibition switzerland
Pictures made with a steel dice I made myself in school many years ago. I shot 7 pictures using a flashlight with everytime a different angle. I assigned then a color to every angle : red, green, blue, gray, cyan, yellow and magenta, and then produced different combinations of these colors.
From left to right, up to down : GBCK, BCMK, RMYK, RGYK; GBC, BCM, RMY, RGY.
Tags: dice steel rainbow harris shutter effect colorful
Pictures made with a steel dice I made myself in school many years ago. I shot 7 pictures using a flashlight with everytime a different angle. I assigned then a color to every angle : red, green, blue, gray, cyan, yellow and magenta, and then produced different combinations of these colors.
From left to right, up to down : RGBCMYK, RGBK, CMYK; RGBCMY, RGB, CMY.
Tags: dice steel rainbow harris shutter effect colorful
Done with a small Chinese vase... I just took a torch as light source, but there was also the lamp of the room as second light source. Kinda imprecise, but that's my first test...
Tags: Harris Shutter Effect test red green blue light chinese vase