Nice portrait of a catta lemur, with intensive eyes...
Tags: portrait face close closeup eyes intensive yellow lemur catta ringtail primate black white cute west midland safari park park safari zoo england uk great britain nikon d4
A portrait of one of the cutest primates!
Tags: profile face beautiful primate lemur ruffed black and white black white west midland safari park park safari zoo england uk great britain nikon d4
Last picture of the series, which I really like, it's a portrait of a white tiger near some vegetation (bamboo), the result is not bad since I took it though a thick fence, I really like it! :)
Tags: white bengal tiger big wild cat portrait face bamboo vegetation west midland safari park park safari zoo england uk great britain nikon d4
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This was looking funny, because they both looked in the same direction! They were enjoying the sun which was shining at times...
Tags: two together sitting praying sun branch wood tree funny looking lemur catta ringtail primate black white cute west midland safari park park safari zoo england uk great britain nikon d4
This white fronted brown lemur is now a male, you can see his white (or beige) head! Really a nice animal!
Tags: primate lemur white fronted brown lemur brown white male rail posing beautiful cute west midland safari park park safari zoo england uk great britain nikon d4