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N 13 B 683 C 6 E May 5, 2024 F Jun 7, 2024
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The Trimurti[a] is the trinity of supreme divinity in Hinduism, in which the cosmic functions of creation, preservation, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities. Typically, the designations are that of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.The Om symbol of Hinduism is considered to have an allusion to Trimurti, where the A, U, and M phonemes of the word are considered to indicate creation, preservation and destruction, adding up to represent Brahman.

Tags:   Trimurti Laos Wat Phou Champasak UNESCO World Heritage Hinduism Temples Wats Religion

N 18 B 2.9K C 2 E Jun 7, 2024 F Jun 7, 2024
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Behind the scenes of the never-published short film 'White Horse,' directed by Carl Rinsch and starring Moritz Bleibtreu.

Tags:   bag facial hair formal grey hair hands in pockets male focus necktie road suit solo Moritz Bleibtreu Moritz Bleibtreu

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B’s first bout of Covid. He isolated for 10 days & though we took a masked walk together today we’re going to stay separated in the apartment for one more day, then maybe we can hug each other again!

Tags:   covid isolation go away mat you’re not welcome here home hipstamatic
