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User / Richard Baxter S / Sets
richard baxter / 20 items

1 photo

85 photos, 1 video
A random collection of paintings or details from paintings in no particular order.

by hand
140 photos
Paintings, usually oil on canvas applied with brushes. Drawings. Also a few digital images using paintings or drawings as their main basis. More paintings are available at...

11 photos, 14 videos
this will be a slow growing set.

20 greatest hits
16 photos
in order of most faved. The masses liked.

the search for the self
84 photos, 3 videos
images and associated texts that explore the search for self, identity and understanding.

by computer
131 photos, 4 videos
Digital collages or heavily edited photographs using artwork also; often the starting point for paintings, or using paintings as the basis for a digital work. Basically a mash up.

that vast endless stage
95 photos, 7 videos
in which things happen

31 photos
Images with dialogues or monologues underneath them. Sometimes inspired by the image, sometimes not. Many more coming as I find them.

the streets of melbourne
5 photos
Scenes and art from the streets of Melbourne

burning paintings
15 photos, 1 video
burning old paintings as part of a spring clean, externally and internally.

23 photos, 1 video
These are stereoscopic images. To view these images in 3D without glasses, simply open one to the largest size that fits on your screen, look at the white space between the images and gradually...

by camera
277 photos
This set is mostly done in-camera, basically 'real' photos but usually with some photoshop tweaking of levels and colour etc.

by heart
29 photos
Images that arose from a deeper, quieter place.

73 photos

dancing in the graveyard
16 photos, 2 videos
One of the best places to feel alive, is in a cemetery. Obviously these flowers agree.

Melbourne cemetery
38 photos

20 photos
wedding photography for Melbourne and Adelaide by Richard Baxter of Singing Bird Wedding Photography: www.saweddings.com.au and www.vicweddings.com.au and...

new website choices
48 photos
just an organizational folder for choosing images for a new website.

work for new website
144 photos