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User / The National Guard / Sets / Colorado National Guard Flood Response
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N 1 B 9.3K C 0 E Sep 13, 2013 F Sep 16, 2013
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Colorado Army National Guardsmen from the 2nd Battalion 135th Aviation at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colo. and civilian rescue personnel unload evacuated residents from Colorado flood zones from a CONG CH-47 Chinook helicopter at the Boulder Municipal Airport in Boulder, Colo., Sept. 13, 2013. (Colorado National Guard photo by Sgt. Joseph K. VonNida/RELEASED)

Tags:   2013 Boulder CONG Floods LMTV Lyons evacuation national guard national guard soldier soldiers guardsman guardsmen military civilian response colorado CO NG NGB flood flooding rain water United States USA troops rescue search U.S. united states

N 1 B 7.0K C 0 E Sep 15, 2013 F Sep 16, 2013
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U.S. Soldiers and Airmen from the Colorado National Guard, along with members of civilian emergency response agencies, distribute sandbags to overly saturated areas of Jefferson County, Colo., due to the downpour of rain that has caused severe flooding in Colo., Sept. 15, 2013. Rescue units have evacuated thousands of people and animals in areas of Colorado that have been devastated by the Colorado’s record-setting flood. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Nicole Manzanares/RELEASED)

Tags:   Colorado Army National Guard Colorado Air National Guard Colorado National Guard COARNG CONG COANG National Guard Soldier Airman Humanitarian Flood victims Arvada Arvada Fire Protection District Interagencies national guard soldiers guardsman guardsmen military civilian response colorado CO NG NGB flood flooding rain water troops 2013 rescue search U.S. united states United States USA

N 1 B 8.3K C 0 E Sep 13, 2013 F Sep 16, 2013
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Colorado National Guardsmen assist Boulder County authorities transport evacuated residents of Lyons, Colo., to Longmont, Colo. Sept. 13, 2013 using Light Medium Tactical Vehicles. The LMTVs are capable of transporting approximately 16 passengers with luggage and can navigate through rubble and flooded areas that cannot be reached by rescue personnel. (Colorado National Guard photo by Sgt. Joseph K. VonNida/RELEASED)

Tags:   2013 Boulder CONG Floods LMTV Lyons evacuation national guard national guard soldier soldiers guardsman guardsmen military civilian response colorado CO NG NGB flood flooding rain water troops rescue search U.S. united states

N 3 B 8.6K C 0 E Sep 14, 2013 F Sep 16, 2013
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U.S. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment out of Fort Carson, Colo., along with civilian rescue personnel, rescue members of the Jametown, Colo., community and children from Cal-Wood Education Center after severe flooding shut down major roads leading out of town Sept. 14, 2013. Colorado is experiencing record flooding not seen in decades. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Nicole Manzanares/RELEASED)

Tags:   Airman Boulder COANG COARNG CONG Colorado Air National Guard Colorado Army National Guard Colorado National Guard Flood victims Humanitarian Interagencies Jametown National Guard Soldier national guard soldiers guardsman guardsmen military civilian response colorado CO NG NGB flood flooding rain water troops 2013 rescue search U.S. united states United States USA

N 1 B 7.6K C 0 E Sep 15, 2013 F Sep 16, 2013
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U.S. Soldiers and Airmen from the Colorado National Guard, along with members of civilian emergency response agencies, combine efforts to fill sandbags at the Arvada Fire Protection District Training Center in Arvada, Colo., to help mitigate flooding in the area Sept. 15, 2013. According to the National Weather Service, more than 12 inches of rain have fallen since Sept. 1, breaking the 73-year-old record for precipitation for the month. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Nicole Manzanares/RELEASED)

Tags:   Colorado Army National Guard Colorado Air National Guard Colorado National Guard COARNG CONG COANG National Guard Soldier Airman Humanitarian Flood victims Arvada Arvada Fire Protection District Interagencies national guard soldiers guardsman guardsmen military civilian response colorado CO NG NGB flood flooding rain water troops 2013 rescue search U.S. united states United States USA
