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User / Thomas Becker / Sets / Fraport 2015.01.15
Thomas Becker / 80 items

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Austrian Airlines Bombardier De Havilland Canada DHC-8-402Q Dash 8 OE-LGL Altenrhein is on short final for runway 25L in Frankfurt.

c/n 4310 has had its first flight in April 2010 with the test registration C-GCQB and was delivered to Austrian Arrows on 15.05.10. It was transferred to Austrian Airlines on 01.07.12.

The aircraft is powered by 2x PWC PW150A turbines and has variable cabin layout with 76 Business and Economy Class seats.

This is flight LH1269 from Innsbruck (INN).

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Tags:   Austrian Airlines AUA Bombardier De Havilland Canada DHC-8-402Q Dash 8 DH4 DHC-8 OE-LGL Altenrhein c/n 4310 C-GCQB Arrows 15.05.10 01.07.12 LH1269 Innsbruck INN Fraport Flughafen Airport Aeroport Aeropuerto Aeroporto FRA EDDF Frankfurt Plane Spotting Aircraft Airplane Avion Aeroplano Aereo 飞机 Vliegtuig Aviao аэроплан Samolot Flugzeug Germany Deutschland Hessen Rhein-Main Nikon D800 Nikkor 80-400G FX RAW Aoka AK-4NII Holux M-1000 GPS Aviationphoto 150115 Arrival geotagged geo:lat=50.039523 geo:lon=8.596970 aerotagged aero:airline=aua aero:man=bombardier aero:model=dhc-8 aero:series=400 aero:tail=oe-lgl aero:airport=eddf

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Lufthansa Boeing 737-530 D-ABIY Lingen is on short final for runway 25L in Frankfurt.

c/n 25243 (l/n 2086) has had its first flight on 03.07.91 and was delivered to LH on 18.07.91.

The jet is powered by 2x CFMI CFM56-3B1 turbofans and has a variable cabin layout with 111 Business/Economy Class seats.

This is flight LH1125 from Barcelona (BCN).

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Tags:   Lufthansa DLH Boeing B737 737 530 500 735 D-ABIY Lingen Star Alliance c/n 25243 l/n 2086 03.07.91 18.07.91 LH1125 Barcelona BCN Fraport Flughafen Airport Aeroport Aeropuerto Aeroporto FRA EDDF Frankfurt Plane Spotting Aircraft Airplane Avion Aeroplano Aereo 飞机 Vliegtuig Aviao аэроплан Samolot Flugzeug Germany Deutschland Hessen Rhein-Main Nikon D800 Nikkor 80-400G FX RAW Aoka AK-4NII Holux M-1000 GPS Aviationphoto 150115 Arrival geotagged geo:lat=50.039523 geo:lon=8.596970 aerotagged aero:airline=dlh aero:man=boeing aero:model=737 aero:series=500 aero:tail=d-abiy aero:airport=eddf

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Alitalia Cityliner Embraer ERJ-175STD EI-RDH Parco Delta del Po is taxiing towards runway 18 in Frankfurt for an intersection departure.

c/n 17000339 has had its first flight with the test registration PT-TZV and was delivered to Alitalia Cityliner on 26.06.12.

The jet is powered by 2x General Electric CF34-8E5 turbofans and has a cabin layout with 88 Economy Class seats.

This is flight AZ403 to Rome (FCO).

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Flickr has done some major design changes (which I deeply regret). Are you missing collections in Flickr? Me, too!
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Tags:   Alitalia Cityliner CYL Embraer ERJ-175STD ERJ-170-200 ERJ175 EI-RDE Parco Delta del Po SkyTeam c/n 17000339 PT-TZV 26.06.12 AZ403 Rome FCO Fraport Flughafen Airport Aeroport Aeropuerto Aeroporto FRA EDDF Frankfurt Plane Spotting Aircraft Airplane Avion Aeroplano Aereo 飞机 Vliegtuig Aviao аэроплан Samolot Flugzeug Germany Deutschland Hessen Rhein-Main Nikon D800 Nikkor 80-400G FX RAW Aoka AK-4NII Holux M-1000 GPS Aviationphoto 150115 Taxiing geotagged geo:lat=50.039523 geo:lon=8.596970 aerotagged aero:airline=cyl aero:man=embraer aero:model=erj-175 aero:special=std aero:tail=ei-rde aero:airport=eddf

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Lufthansa Cargo McDonnell Douglas MD-11F D-ALCE Merhaba Turkey is on short final for runway 25L in Frankfurt.

c/n 48785 (l/n 629) has had its first flight in June 1998 and was delivered to LH Cargo on 22.10.98.

The jet is powered by 3x General Electric CF6-80C2D1F turbofans.

This is flight LH8291 from Cairo (CAI).

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Flickr has done some major design changes (which I deeply regret). Are you missing collections in Flickr? Me, too!
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Tags:   Lufthansa Cargo GEC McDonnell Douglas MD-11F MD 11 Freighter D-ALCE Merhaba Turkey c/n 48785 l/n 629 01.06.98 22.10.98 LH8291 Cairo CAI Fraport Flughafen Airport Aeroport Aeropuerto Aeroporto FRA EDDF Frankfurt Plane Spotting Aircraft Airplane Avion Aeroplano Aereo 飞机 Vliegtuig Aviao аэроплан Samolot Flugzeug Germany Deutschland Hessen Rhein-Main Nikon D800 Nikkor 80-400G FX RAW Aoka AK-4NII Holux M-1000 GPS Aviationphoto 150115 Arrival geotagged geo:lat=50.039523 geo:lon=8.596970 aerotagged aero:airline=gec aero:man=mcdonnelldouglas aero:model=md-11 aero:special=f aero:tail=d-alce aero:airport=eddf

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Lufthansa Cargo McDonnell Douglas MD-11F D-ALCE Merhaba Turkey is on short final for runway 25L in Frankfurt.

c/n 48785 (l/n 629) has had its first flight in June 1998 and was delivered to LH Cargo on 22.10.98.

The jet is powered by 3x General Electric CF6-80C2D1F turbofans.

This is flight LH8291 from Cairo (CAI).

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Flickr has done some major design changes (which I deeply regret). Are you missing collections in Flickr? Me, too!
But they are not lost, just hidden - you can go there by using one of the following links:

Special Aviation Photos

Airlines of the World

Aviation by Date

Airline Alliances of the World

Tags:   Lufthansa Cargo GEC McDonnell Douglas MD-11F MD 11 Freighter D-ALCE Merhaba Turkey c/n 48785 l/n 629 01.06.98 22.10.98 LH8291 Cairo CAI Fraport Flughafen Airport Aeroport Aeropuerto Aeroporto FRA EDDF Frankfurt Plane Spotting Aircraft Airplane Avion Aeroplano Aereo 飞机 Vliegtuig Aviao аэроплан Samolot Flugzeug Germany Deutschland Hessen Rhein-Main Nikon D800 Nikkor 80-400G FX RAW Aoka AK-4NII Holux M-1000 GPS Aviationphoto 150115 Arrival Profile geotagged geo:lat=50.039523 geo:lon=8.596970 aerotagged aero:airline=gec aero:man=mcdonnelldouglas aero:model=md-11 aero:special=f aero:tail=d-alce aero:airport=eddf
