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User / tmalinski / Sets
Tom Malinski / 55 items

52 photos

Adamski effect
21 photos
Photo composites with Adamski effect applied to BG

3 videos

12 photos
A view to the stars

A Walk in our Meadow
75 photos

A Walk in our woods
112 photos
This album contains images from the woodlands around our property. Recently I've been enjoying wide angle shots of trees. I enjoy playing with processing. We are fortunate to have 35 acres, and an...

Trail Cam
65 photos
Trail Cam pics around our home

Colorado mix
471 photos
An eclectic assortment of images, most taken near my home since moving out west to Colorado from Connecticut

Black / White
111 photos
A mix of subjects processed as black and white

22 photos

140 photos
A view to the mountains

39 photos
Clouds and Light

112 photos
Birds in flight, Birds at rest, nothing but birds !

Flowers & Butterflies
153 photos
These are a few of the flowers and some butterflies that visit our garden

Refraction & Drops
93 photos
Refractions in Dewdrops and Drips In most cases the refraction in the water droplet is of the background object behind the drop. Drips from the faucet require high speed flash to stop the movement....

Focus Stacked
172 photos
Focus stacked for increased DOF, an eclectic view of my visions

256 photos
Macro and Closeup Images

Fun, Artsy
72 photos
Fun and artsy with a few composites

Oil Filter
39 photos
Images processed with PS Oil filter

Oil Paint AI
1 photo

Colorado Parks
34 photos

Abandoned & Ruins
40 photos
A look at structures past their prime

Long Exposures
35 photos
Images taken with the B+W 110 3.0 (10) stop Neutral Density Filter

Woodlands, Streams & Falls
56 photos

10 photos

38 photos
Malinski family pets

41 photos
Panoramic images

Sunday Drives
88 photos

Acadia National Park
22 photos
Acadia National Park, Maine. Week of June 25th 2012

Rockport Mass
6 photos

New York City
44 photos
Images taken while participating in various cycling events around the city

San Francisco
9 photos

NYC Botanical Gardens
4 photos

Miami Zoo
2 photos
Spent Christmas in Florida, a side trip to the Miami Zoo

Bronx Zoo, NYC
9 photos

Mystic Aquarium
2 photos

Elizabeth Park
14 photos

Buttonwood Farm
12 photos
Buttonwood Farm, CT

8 photos

2 photos
Lima coast

34 photos

Home Projects
3 photos
Various projects around the house

Hot Air Balloons
3 photos

Classic Cars
6 photos

Newport R.I.
6 photos

Mystic Seaport 8/09
4 photos

Wolf Walk and Talk, Gardner, Mass
2 photos

New England
108 photos
Multiple like images taken with different exposures to produce a High Dynamic Range image

Scott Kelby's Photo Walk, Westport, CT 7-10
4 photos

Scott Kelby's Photo Walk, Hartford, CT. 7-09
10 photos
This is Scott Kelby's second anual Photo Walk. This is a world wide event, where photographers gather in a city in their local area and photograph the city. This was Hartford, CT July 18th 2009

Terryville Fair
10 photos
Terryville, CT Fair

Still Life / Abstract
15 photos
Still Life / Abstract

Kent Falls Workshop
7 photos
A few shots from the Canton Camera Club "Kent Falls" workshop

Magic Wings
16 photos
Canton Camera Club of CT. Trip to Magic Wings in South Deerfield Mass

Video's under 2min
2 videos
My attempt to shoot a few videos with Canon R5