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User / pho-Tony / Arts Tower
Tony Kemplen / 27,946 items
I started my 52 cameras in 52 weeks project on 1st January 2010. It got rather out of hand and lasted a whole decade. Each week, without fail, I used a different film camera, a total of 522.
After 10 years, I am relaxing the pace, and revisiting all the cameras that I used for taking photographs, as opposed to collecting and displaying. I'm planning to do it in chronological order, using a different one each month.
This month I'm using the Kodak Instamatic 33, which was first made in 1968, though I think I probably got mine in 1970. The film is almost as old as the camera, dating from 1976, I bought the film for 40p in a charity shop a couple of years ago. It is made in Italy, so probably a Ferrania film, presented here as a free gift promoting the AA. Rated at ISO 80, and being over 40 years old, it would need a lot of light to get a decent image. There is only one shutter speed on the Instamatic 33, and two choices of aperture, marked by "sun" and "shade" symbols.
I was relieved not to have a completely blank film, but as expected the negatives were very thin, against age related background fog. Rescuing the images from the scanner has left some of them with an almost solarised effect. It could have been worse!
These are two consecutive frames.
  • Views: 315
  • Comments: 0
  • Favorites: 1
  • Taken: Mar 7, 2020
  • Uploaded: Mar 15, 2020
  • Updated: Feb 3, 2023