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User / pho-Tony / Sets / Week 278 - Science Museum Pinhole Camera
Tony Kemplen / 21 items

N 2 B 514 C 0 E Apr 30, 2015 F Apr 30, 2015
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Taken on "Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day" with a Science Museum Pinhole camera in week 278 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This week includes "Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day" on Sunday 26th April.
Expired Jessop brand ISO200 colour negative film, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   camera self-portraits pinhole Science Museum Pinhole Camera Lisbon pinhole cameras World Day World Pinhole Day plastic kit science museum DIY 35mm Tetenal C41 Jessop expired ISO200 ISO 200 Wordwide Photography Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day WPPD

N 1 B 351 C 0 E Apr 30, 2015 F Apr 30, 2015
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Taken on "Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day" with a Science Museum Pinhole camera in week 278 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This week includes "Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day" on Sunday 26th April.
Expired Jessop brand ISO200 colour negative film, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   pinhole Science Museum Pinhole Camera Lisbon pinhole cameras World Day World Pinhole Day plastic kit science museum DIY 35mm Tetenal C41 Jessop expired ISO200 ISO 200 Wordwide Photography Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day WPPD

N 0 B 355 C 0 E Apr 30, 2015 F Apr 30, 2015
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Taken on "Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day" with a Science Museum Pinhole camera in week 278 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This week includes "Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day" on Sunday 26th April.
Expired Jessop brand ISO200 colour negative film, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   square camera self-portraits pinhole Science Museum Pinhole Camera Lisbon pinhole cameras World Day World Pinhole Day plastic kit science museum DIY 35mm Tetenal C41 Jessop expired ISO200 ISO 200 Wordwide Photography Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day WPPD

N 2 B 540 C 2 E Apr 30, 2015 F Apr 30, 2015
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Taken on "Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day" with a Science Museum Pinhole camera in week 278 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This week includes "Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day" on Sunday 26th April.
Expired Jessop brand ISO200 colour negative film, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   pinhole Science Museum Pinhole Camera Lisbon pinhole cameras World Day World Pinhole Day plastic kit science museum DIY 35mm Tetenal C41 Jessop expired ISO200 ISO 200 Wordwide Photography Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day WPPD

N 1 B 341 C 0 E Apr 30, 2015 F Apr 30, 2015
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Taken on "Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day" with a Science Museum Pinhole camera in week 278 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This week includes "Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day" on Sunday 26th April.
Expired Jessop brand ISO200 colour negative film, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   pinhole Science Museum Pinhole Camera Lisbon pinhole cameras World Day World Pinhole Day plastic kit science museum DIY 35mm Tetenal C41 Jessop expired ISO200 ISO 200 Wordwide Photography Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day WPPD
