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User / pho-Tony / Sets / Week 452 - Tasco 7900 Binocular Camera
Tony Kemplen / 17 items

N 2 B 1.5K C 1 E Aug 20, 2018 F Aug 30, 2018
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I will be using this camera in week 452 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This is a pair of good quality binoculars with a 110 film camera built in. The camera lens if 112mm f5.6 (roughly equivalent to 225mm on full-frame 35mm cameras).

Tags:   110 photos of cameras Tasco 7900 Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Camera 112mm f5.6 1:5.6 f=112mm 7x20 7x20mm 1977 16mm subminiature 13 x 17mm pocket instamatic telephoto Tele-Tasco

N 0 B 646 C 0 E Aug 20, 2018 F Aug 30, 2018
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I will be using this camera in week 452 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This is a pair of good quality binoculars with a 110 film camera built in. The camera lens if 112mm f5.6 (roughly equivalent to 225mm on full-frame 35mm cameras).

Tags:   110 photos of cameras Tasco 7900 Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Camera 112mm f5.6 1:5.6 f=112mm 7x20 7x20mm 1977 16mm subminiature 13 x 17mm pocket instamatic telephoto Tele-Tasco

N 2 B 749 C 0 E Aug 20, 2018 F Aug 30, 2018
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I will be using this camera in week 452 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This is a pair of good quality binoculars with a 110 film camera built in. The camera lens if 112mm f5.6 (roughly equivalent to 225mm on full-frame 35mm cameras).

Tags:   110 photos of cameras Tasco 7900 Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Camera 112mm f5.6 1:5.6 f=112mm 7x20 7x20mm 1977 16mm subminiature 13 x 17mm pocket instamatic telephoto Tele-Tasco

N 2 B 719 C 0 E Aug 20, 2018 F Aug 30, 2018
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I will be using this camera in week 452 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This is a pair of good quality binoculars with a 110 film camera built in. The camera lens if 112mm f5.6 (roughly equivalent to 225mm on full-frame 35mm cameras).

Tags:   110 photos of cameras Tasco 7900 Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Camera 112mm f5.6 1:5.6 f=112mm 7x20 7x20mm 1977 16mm subminiature 13 x 17mm pocket instamatic telephoto Tele-Tasco

N 6 B 956 C 1 E Aug 20, 2018 F Aug 30, 2018
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I will be using this camera in week 452 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This is a pair of good quality binoculars with a 110 film camera built in. The camera lens if 112mm f5.6 (roughly equivalent to 225mm on full-frame 35mm cameras).

Tags:   110 photos of cameras Tasco 7900 Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Tasco 7900 Binocular Camera 112mm f5.6 1:5.6 f=112mm 7x20 7x20mm 1977 16mm subminiature 13 x 17mm pocket instamatic telephoto Tele-Tasco
