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User / pho-Tony / Sets / One Subject Ten Cameras - The Graves Park Giraffe
Tony Kemplen / 10 items

N 0 B 426 C 0 E Apr 20, 2010 F Apr 24, 2010
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taken with Lomography Supersampler camera in week 16 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:

Tags:   supersampler Graves Park metal giraffe play park climbing frame lomo lomography multi-lens four 4 novelty toy camera analog analogue film 135 35mm C41 Fuji fujicolor 400 ISO ISO400 color negative colour I shoot film film is not dead toy camera action sampler plastic black white black and white B&W monochrome 1s10c

N 0 B 970 C 0 E May 26, 2009 F May 27, 2009
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My second attempt developing a film in coffee, this time with added vitamin C.
DEV: 4 tsps instant coffee, 3 tsps washing soda, 500mg ascorbic acid (Morrison's chewable Vitamin C tablet) 250ml water
STOP: Sainsbury's basic vinegar
FIX: 15 year old opened bottle of Ilfofix found in the cellar.
FILM: Agfa Vista 200 C41 colour negative film.
The camera was a 1930's Purma Special, it takes 127 film, and I re-spooled an old roll of 127 backing paper with 35mm film.

Tags:   Purma Special Graves Park square caffenol coffee coffee developer C41 B&W bleach bypass bleach bypass C41 in black and white chemistry home developing vinegar washing soda Vit-C vitamin C ascorbic acid Caffenol-C Purma Special 127 rollfilm 35mm film in 127 camera respooled bakelite 1930s analogue vintage camera vintage camera Sheffield Graves Park Norton play metal climbing frame Giraffa camelopardalis Reticulated reticulata ziraafa zurapha 1s10c

N 1 B 1.6K C 0 E Aug 24, 2010 F Aug 31, 2010
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Tags:   Trilogy 3D1000 tri-chrome square giraffe crop trichromy three-color three-colour colorize colourise Harris shutter effect Harris shutter effect technicolor technicolour 1s10c

N 0 B 1.1K C 1 E May 18, 2010 F May 19, 2010
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Taken with Zeiss Ikon Baby-Box Tengor 127 camera in week 20 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:

Tags:   metal giraffe climbing frame play park playpark Baby-Box Tengor Baby-Box Tengor 54/18 54/18E box camera Zeiss Ikon 127 anastigmat f6.3 1931 1930s classic vintage old analogue analog rollfilm 4cm 3cm 4x3cm black white B&W monochrome Efke 100 100R Croatia 3 developer DIY home processing Adox rollfim developing 3x4cm half-frame I shoot film film is not dead Ilfosol Novar triplet element 1s10c

N 0 B 1.9K C 4 E Jun 24, 2009 F Jun 25, 2009
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Taken with Kalimar Action Shot 16 camera. This camera has 16 lenses and takes 16 shots across two 35mm frames. The shutters can be fired one at a time, or in quick succession over 2 seconds.

Tags:   Sheffield Kalimar16 Graves Park fuji kalimar action shot 16 sequence 35mm 135 I shoot film film is not dead golfcam actionshot multiple lens lenses sixteen oktomat hexadecimat square play metal climbing frame Giraffa camelopardalis Reticulated reticulata ziraafa zurapha Rensha Cardia Byu N Fuji Rensha Cardia Byu N 16 BYU-N 16 Byu-n Rensha Cardia Byu-n 16 Rensha Cardia Fujifilm 20mm f/9.5 1s10c gifmachine golfcamera
