Taken with a home-made pinhole blender camera with 5 pinholes. The camera is made from an empty tin can, and takes 35mm film.
Most of my pinhole photography is on:
Tags: pinhole Yorkshire Sculpture Park sprocket hole perforation camera homemade homemade pinhole homemade camera 35mm 35mm film film stenope diy diy camera blender pinhole blender pineapple pin ilfosol 3 ilfosol 3 rollei retro 100 ISO100 B&W home processing Ilfotol I shoot film film is not dead 135 multi-frame multiple in camera multiframe 1s10c
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composite picture of James Turrell's Deer Shelter, taken with Canon Demi C half frame 35mm camera
Tags: Yorkshire Sculpture Park Half Frame half frame Canon Demi C Canon Demi C 35mm film analogue 24mm 18mm 24x18 135 sprocket holes 35mm sprocket holes multi-frame multiple in camera multiframe collage joiner Hockney Hockneyesque strip YSP Yorkshire Sculpture Park James Turrell deer shelter sky light hole art installation Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys I shoot film film is not dead スプロケットの穴 Filme 35mm com trilha trilha perforeringshål Kleinbildfilm Perforationslöcher 1s10c
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Three consecutive frames taken with a Yashica Samurai X4.0 camera in week 142 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This is a half frame 35mm SLR camera, though it looks far more like a camcorder from about 10 years ago.
The film is Agfa Vista 200 from Poundland.
Tags: aut-aut Half Frame Samurai Yashica X4.0 Yashica Samurai X4.0 Yashica Samurai half frame 35mm 18x24 18mm x 24mm SLR single lens reflex zoom 4x x4 25mm 100mm 25mm-100mm mirror motor drive motordrive autofocus camcorder video film analog analogue agfa vista poundland Agfa Vista C41 Tetenal 18mm 24mm tryptich triptych triple three treble trio 1s10c
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Taken with a home made 35mm panoramic pinhole camera, built into a domino box.
Rollei Retro 100 film developed in Rodinal.
More images, together with pictures of the cameras are on my
Pin Apple Flickr stream.
Tags: YSP Yorkshire Sculpture Park landscape Bretton Wakefield Arts Council art light shade shadow James Turrell James Turrell deer shelter deer shelter sky skyscape skyspace skylight skyhole concrete bench rooflight installation environment environmental gesamtkunstwerk pinhole pinhole cameras domino camera dominocam homemade panoramic stenope 35mm homemade camera estenopeica estenopo 23mm f99 analogue I shoot film film is not dead sprocket holes rollei retro 100 ISO100 DIY B&W home processing Rodinal 1s10c
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Taken with the Lomography Belair X 6-12 camera that I first used in week 156 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This is the last full week in the third year of the project, the Belair is also my most recent acquisition, it is a new medium format camera market by Lomography, there are 2 lenses and 3 formats, the 6cm x 12cm format allows 6 exposures on a roll of 120 film.
Expired Fuji Velvia ISO100 slide film cross-processed at home in the Tetenal C41 kit.
ISO setting – 50
Lens – 58mm
Aperture – f16
Focus set to - infinity
Tags: aut-aut art light shade shadow James Turrell James Turrell deer shelter deer shelter sky skyscape skyspace skylight skyhole concrete bench rooflight ins Yorkshire Sculpture Park xpro Belair X 6-12 120 roll film Fuji Velvia ISO100 50 E6 cross process cross-process color colour shift glitch mod hack lomo lomography cast colour cast color cast Belair X 6-12 Lomography Belair X 6-12 medium format panoramic bellows folder folding 90mm 58mm plastic lens plastic lens automatic lomographic 6x12 6x9 6x6 Cityslicker city slicker 1s10c
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