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User / pho-Tony / Sets / Mop
Tony Kemplen / 26 items

N 5 B 1.1K C 0 E Jan 21, 2020 F Jan 29, 2020
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Taken with "Camera 523", the Secret Sam Spy Camera.
I started my 52 cameras in 52 weeks project on 1st January 2010. It got rather out of hand and lasted a whole decade. Each week, without fail, I used a different film camera, a total of 522.
After 10 years, I am relaxing the pace and using "new" cameras as and when I feel like it. This one was originally part of the Secret Sam Spy Outfit made by Topper in the 1960s. It consisted of an attaché case with all the things a modern spy needed, including a machine gun and a camera. Both the gun and the camera could be fired while the case was closed, making it the ideal outfit for covert operations. The camera is an ultra simple 127 format box camera, taking 16 exposure on a roll, the only thing that marks it out from similar run of the mill plastic cameras is that it has an extra long shutter release lever, which passes through a hole in the case, allowing the shutter to be triggered discretely. The rest of the outfit has long since disappeared into the past, but the camera survives, and still works.
The film is Efke 100 black and white, developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 10 minutes at 20 degrees.

Tags:   127 127 simple mop Secret Sam Secret Sam Spy Topper toy plastic espionage 1960s VP half-frame simple Efke 100 Efke 100 B&W black and white Rodinal

N 2 B 642 C 0 E Nov 7, 2019 F Nov 7, 2019
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Final frame taken with a Wirgin 19E camera in week 514 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
"Klick" branded ISO 200 film (expired 2005) developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.
The scratches are due to the film getting jammed and having to be forcibly extracted!

Tags:   mop tops & tails Wirgin 19E Tetenal C41 Klick expired expired film rangefinder coupled reangefinder 35mm f1.9 45mm 1:1.9 Tominor Japan 1960s selenium Copal Copal MXV

N 3 B 833 C 0 E Aug 11, 2019 F Aug 15, 2019
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Taken with an Instantload Cartridge camera in week 502 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
The film is Fujicolor HR which expired in 1991, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit. I have several cartridges of this film, and know that it is in very poor condition, with marked loss of sensitivity. In an attemot to overcome that, I fired the shutter multiple times to increase the amount of light hitting the film. In this case, I rested the camera on a firm surface and made around 40 exposures.

Tags:   126 mop Instantload Cartridge Fujicolor Super HR 100 Instamatic 314 28x28 28mm x 28mm square cartridge toy plastic lo-fi blue Kodak expired Fuji Fujicolor Tetenal C41 degraded deteriorated

N 4 B 887 C 0 E Jun 12, 2019 F Jun 14, 2019
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Taken with an Argus SLR camera in week 493 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
The film is expired Fuji Neopan 1600 (with the meter set to 800) developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 8 mins at 20 degrees.

Tags:   mop Fuji Neopan 1600 Argus SLR Argus SLR single lens reflex single lens reflex Argus-Sekor 58mm f1.7 Argus-Sekor 58mm f1.7 Mamiya Prismat Mamiya Prismat Japan Japanese black white analogue I shoot film film is not dead fuji fujifilm 1600 neopan ISO1600 grain fast fast film fuji 1600 black and white Rodinal

N 4 B 1.0K C 0 E Sep 27, 2018 F Sep 27, 2018
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Taken with an Agfa Silette LK camera in week 453 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Expired (2012) Fujicolor 200 colour negative film, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   mop Agfa Silette LK Agfa Color-Agnar 1:2.8 45mm Parator Agfa Color-Agnar 1:2.8 45mm f2.8 Agnar selenium selenium meter Optima 200 Sensor Optima 200 Sensor red button 1969 Germany Made in Germany German compact 35mm film Tetenal C41 expired Fujicolor ISO200
