In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format, for February I'm using the obsolete Disc Film format. The negative size is the same as that of the Minox 8mm x 11mm, but there are 15 negatives on a rotating disc rather than on a roll of film. The discs were last made in 1999, I have a few left, the most recent one expired in 1994, so the results are likely to be poor.
Tags: Disc Camera Le-Clic disc photos of cameras camera film analogue obsolete defunct flat disc plastic novelty Le Clic Le Clic toy yellow pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format, for February I'm using the obsolete Disc Film format. The negative size is the same as that of the Minox 8mm x 11mm, but there are 15 negatives on a rotating disc rather than on a roll of film. The discs were last made in 1999, I have a few left, the most recent one expired in 1994, so the results are likely to be poor.
Tags: Disc Camera Le-Clic disc photos of cameras camera film analogue obsolete defunct flat disc plastic novelty Le Clic Le Clic toy yellow pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format, for February I'm using the obsolete Disc Film format. The negative size is the same as that of the Minox 8mm x 11mm, but there are 15 negatives on a rotating disc rather than on a roll of film. The discs were last made in 1999, I have a few left, the most recent one expired in 1994, so the results are likely to be poor.
Tags: Disc Camera Le-Clic disc photos of cameras camera film analogue obsolete defunct flat disc plastic novelty Le Clic Le Clic toy yellow pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format, for February I'm using the obsolete Disc Film format. The negative size is the same as that of the Minox 8mm x 11mm, but there are 15 negatives on a rotating disc rather than on a roll of film. The discs were last made in 1999, I have a few left, the most recent one expired in 1994, so the results are likely to be poor.
Tags: Disc Camera film camera analogue obsolete defunct flat disc plastic novelty Le Clic Le Clic toy yellow pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm
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Taken with a Minolta Disc 7 camera. This is an unusual camera, and predated the selfie trend by a quarter of a century. It was introduced in 1983 and features a built in extending selfie stick with a shutter release in the handle. A convex mirror on the camera allows you to compose the photo while holding the camera at arm's length. This time it fired before I intended it to!
In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format, for February I'm using the obsolete Disc Film format. The negative size is the same as that of the Minox 8mm x 11mm, but there are 15 negatives on a rotating disc rather than on a roll of film. This was Kodacolor Gold film which expired in 1995, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.
Tags: Disc Camera Minolta Disc-7 tree horse chestnut camera film analogue obsolete defunct flat disc pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm minolta disc-7 mirror compact self-portrait wand selfie stick selfie stick extender 自撮り jidori エクステンダー remote shutter button remote shutter button
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