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User / pho-Tony / Sets / Sheffield
Tony Kemplen / 1,661 items

N 22 B 2.3K C 2 E Mar 17, 2021 F Mar 21, 2021
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Joiner photo made from 5 frames taken on a Kiev 30 16mm camera. The film is double perforated Ilford FP4 which expired in 1974, developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 15mins at 20 degrees.

Tags:   joiner Kiev 30 KNEB KNEB 30 Kiev 30 Soviet USSR Russian 16mm miniature subminiature spy CCCP Ilford FP4 expired film brutalism brutalist architecture concrete

N 11 B 1.8K C 0 E Mar 17, 2021 F Mar 20, 2021
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format and in February I used the obsolete Disc Film format. For March I'm using 16mm film, I have three working 16mm film cameras, they each make slightly different sized images on the negative. I started off with the Meopta Mikroma but the wind on mechanism stopped working, so I moved the film to a Kiev 30. The film is double perforated Ilford FP4 which expired in 1974, developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 15mins at 20 degrees.

Tags:   Kiev 30 KNEB KNEB 30 Kiev 30 Soviet USSR Russian 16mm miniature subminiature spy CCCP Ilford FP4 expired film

N 7 B 1.2K C 0 E Feb 18, 2021 F Feb 21, 2021
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format, for February I'm using the obsolete Disc Film format. The negative size is the same as that of the Minox 8mm x 11mm, but there are 15 negatives on a rotating disc rather than on a roll of film. The discs were last made in 1999, I have a few left, this one expired in 1989, and the results are better than I expected. The camera is a Boots Disc 515, which has a flash and motor drive, unlike most electrical disc cameras which have batteries that can't be accessed or replaced, this one uses standard AA batteries. Scan of 3 consecutive frames.

Tags:   Park Hill Disc Camera Boots disc515 camera film analogue obsolete defunct flat disc pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm Kodacolor Kodacolor VR Tetenal C41

N 3 B 1.6K C 0 E Jan 8, 2021 F Jan 16, 2021
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. January's film is the Minox format, which I used in my Minox B spy camera. The film is Agfa Isopan ISS which expired in 1975, developed in Rodinal 1:100 for 60mins at 20 degrees. I was pleased to get anything on the negatives, though the quality is poor as expected.

Tags:   Minox B expired film rodinal spy camera spy camera 1:5.6/15mm f5.6 15mm tiny miniature subminiature 8x11 8mm x 11mm espionage James Bond Minox Film I shoot film film is not dead analogue analog agfa isopan ISS agfa isopan ISS agfa isopan

N 11 B 2.6K C 2 E Jan 8, 2021 F Jan 12, 2021
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. January's film is the Minox format, which I used in my Minox B spy camera. The film is Agfa Isopan ISS which expired in 1975, developed in Rodinal 1:100 for 60mins at 20 degrees. I was pleased to get anything on the negatives, though the quality is poor as expected.

Tags:   Park Hill Minox B expired film rodinal spy camera spy camera 1:5.6/15mm f5.6 15mm tiny miniature subminiature 8x11 8mm x 11mm espionage James Bond Minox Film I shoot film film is not dead analogue analog agfa isopan ISS agfa isopan ISS agfa isopan
