The Minolta Rapid 24 uses 35mm film in "Rapid" cassettes, and takes square photos. For this series I loaded a cassette with colour negative film, and put it through the camera three times, the first time with a red filter, then a green filter, and finally a blue filter.
Tags: double exposure colour filters Minolta 24 Rapid Minolta 24 Rapid 24x24 24mm 24mm x 24mm square format 135 35mm Agfa-rapid Rokkor 32mm RGB Lee Filters filter coloured filter Bishops House Tudor Half-timber
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Joiner photo made from 5 frames taken on a Kiev 30 16mm camera. The film is double perforated Ilford FP4 which expired in 1974, developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 15mins at 20 degrees.
Tags: joiner Kiev 30 KNEB KNEB 30 Kiev 30 Soviet USSR Russian 16mm miniature subminiature spy CCCP Ilford FP4 expired film brutalism brutalist architecture concrete
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format and in February I used the obsolete Disc Film format. For March I'm using 16mm film, I have three working 16mm film cameras, they each make slightly different sized images on the negative. The Mikroma is unusual for a 16mm camera in that it looks like a scaled down 35mm model, whereas most adopt a horizontal format for the camera body. It's a very fiddly camera to load and used, and it soon became clear that all was not well, the film advance was stiff, and then suddenly freed up suggesting that something had broken in the camera. I managed a few slightly overlapping shots before giving up and moving the film to another camera. The film is Kodak Portra 160, processed in the Tetenal C41 kit.
Tags: Mikroma Meopta Mikroma Meopta 16mm miniature submini subminiature mini spy spy camera small tiny Mirar Mirar lens Meopta Mirar Prerov Czech Optikotechna police Czech Republic Czech Polce secret authoritarian undercover observation surveillance Kodak Portra 160 Kodak Portra 160 Tetenal C41
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Taken with a Boots Disc 515 camera on Fotoman film which expired in 1987. I made a set of simple filters using layers of coloured acetate. There are four different coloured acetates, each of my filters consisted of three layers in various combinations. Old film loses light sensitivity, and with the additional light loss caused by the filters, I pointed my camera directly at the sun in order to make sure enough light got to the film. This was entirely experimental, and I'm quite pleased with the results. This is a scan of the whole disc.
Tags: Disc Camera Boots disc515 colour filters camera film analogue obsolete defunct flat disc pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm expired film Fotoman colour wheel color wheel coloured filters colored filters Lee Filters rainbow spectrum trees flare one2021format onedge TreeTime
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In 2021 I intend to use a different film format each month, staring with the smallest and working my way up the sizes. In January I used the Minox format, for February I'm using the obsolete Disc Film format. The negative size is the same as that of the Minox 8mm x 11mm, but there are 15 negatives on a rotating disc rather than on a roll of film. The discs were last made in 1999, I have a few left, this one expired in 1989, and the results are better than I expected. The camera is a Boots Disc 515, which has a flash and motor drive, unlike most electrical disc cameras which have batteries that can't be accessed or replaced, this one uses standard AA batteries. Scan of 3 consecutive frames.
Tags: Park Hill Disc Camera Boots disc515 camera film analogue obsolete defunct flat disc pocket 15 15 exposures 8mm x 11mm Kodacolor Kodacolor VR Tetenal C41
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