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User / pho-Tony / Sets / Penoramas
Tony Kemplen / 43 items

N 14 B 2.0K C 2 E Jun 7, 2017 F Jun 23, 2017
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Five consecutive frames taken with the Olympus Pen-FT half-frame SLR camera that I first used in week 217 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Agfa Vista 200 film from Poundland, developed in the Rollei Digibase C41 kit.

Tags:   Amsterdam Half Frame Olympus Pen FT Olympus Pen FT Olympus Pen F half frame SLR 38mm Zuiko F. Zuiko Auto-S f=38mm 1:1.8 f1.8 prime Japan Japanese Olympus Pen 18x24 18x24mm Agfa Vista Agfa Vista Agfa Vista 200 200 Poundland Rollei Digibase C41

N 8 B 1.8K C 3 E Jul 29, 2016 F Sep 16, 2016
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Four consecutive frames shot on "Pink-O-Chrome" film from Six Gates Film of Milan. This is a slide duplication balanced for tungsten light and intended to be developed using the E6 process. It is quite slow, I rated it at ISO12 before processing it in the Rollei Digibase C41 kit. The film has a clear base, and when wet has a very pink colour when viewed from one side, after drying it has a sepia hue, which when reversed in the scanning process gives a deep blue hue.
The camera is the half-frame Agat 18k that I first used in week 25 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:

Tags:   Half Frame Venice Agat 18k Pinkochrome slide SGF Six Gates Films Six Gates Milan tungsten expired hue shift cast 35mm analogue ISO12 duplication dupe E6 blue pink Industar 28mm plastic Agat 18K 18 K Belomo lomo FSU Russian soviet half frame 18x24 18x24mm 135 I shoot film film is not dead analog

N 19 B 3.9K C 1 E Feb 1, 2016 F Feb 8, 2016
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Fourteen consecutive frames taken with the Olympus Pen-FT half-frame SLR camera that I previously used in week 217 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Scanned to include the sprocket holes. Expired Fuji Velvia ISO 50 slide film, cross-processed in the Tetenal C41 kit. I usually get a much greener hue with this film/developer combination, so the yellow is a bit of a surprise, it maybe that the chemicals are getting exhausted.

Tags:   xpro Olympus Pen FT English Heritage Fuji Velvia Stonehenge Half Frame Olympus Pen FT Olympus Pen F half frame SLR 38mm Zuiko F. Zuiko Auto-S f=38mm 1:1.8 f1.8 prime Japan Japanese Olympus Pen 18x24 18x24mm Fuji Velvia 50 E6 Tetenal C41 cross-process cross-processing expired hue shift colour shift

N 6 B 930 C 0 E Nov 10, 2015 F Nov 19, 2015
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Three consecutive frames taken with the Olympus Pen EE-3 camera that I previously used in week 293 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Homemade redscaled Agfa Vista 200 film from Poundland, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   Chatsworth Half Frame redscale Olympus Pen EE-3 Olympus Pen EE-3 Zuiko 28mm f3.5 18x24 18mm x 24mm auto pocket compact 1970 1970s Japan Japanese Olympus Pen half frame Agfa Vista 200 film Poundland Tetenal C41

N 5 B 1.5K C 0 E Nov 10, 2015 F Nov 19, 2015
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Three consecutive frames taken with the Olympus Pen EE-3 camera that I previously used in week 293 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Homemade redscaled Agfa Vista 200 film from Poundland, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   Chatsworth Half Frame redscale Olympus Pen EE-3 Olympus Pen EE-3 Zuiko 28mm f3.5 18x24 18mm x 24mm auto pocket compact 1970 1970s Japan Japanese Olympus Pen half frame Agfa Vista 200 film Poundland Tetenal C41
