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User / pho-Tony / Sets / Penoramas
Tony Kemplen / 43 items

N 1 B 715 C 1 E Aug 19, 2009 F Aug 23, 2009
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four consecutive frames taken with a Canon Demi C half frame camera, negatives scanned to include the sprocket holes

Tags:   Half Frame Palma Philip King metal polychrome sculpture Es Baluard half frame Canon Demi C Canon Demi C 35mm film analogue 24mm 18mm 24x18 135 sprocket holes 35mm sprocket holes multi-frame multiple in camera multiframe collage joiner Hockney Hockneyesque strip I shoot film film is not dead スプロケットの穴 Filme 35mm com trilha trilha perforeringshål Kleinbildfilm Perforationslöcher black white monochrome B&W C41

N 9 B 1.9K C 3 E Aug 31, 2015 F Sep 2, 2015
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Five consecutive frames taken with the Olympus Pen EE-3 camera that I previously used in week 293 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Agfa Copex Rapid black and white film, developed in Rodinal 1:100 for 60 minutes at 20 degrees.

Tags:   Half Frame London Agfa Copex Olympus Pen EE-3 Olympus Pen EE-3 Zuiko 28mm f3.5 18x24 18mm x 24mm auto pocket compact 1970 1970s Japan Japanese Olympus Pen half frame Agfa Copex Rapid Agfa Copex Rapid microfilm copy contrast ISO50 Rodinal Cutty Sark Cutty Sark 202052 Artcore contemporaryarchitecture

N 21 B 2.7K C 0 E Nov 10, 2015 F Nov 19, 2015
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Five consecutive frames taken with the Olympus Pen EE-3 camera that I previously used in week 293 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Homemade redscaled Agfa Vista 200 film from Poundland, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.

Tags:   aut-aut Half Frame redscale English Heritage Olympus Pen EE-3 Olympus Pen EE-3 Zuiko 28mm f3.5 18x24 18mm x 24mm auto pocket compact 1970 1970s Japan Japanese Olympus Pen half frame Agfa Vista 200 film Poundland Tetenal C41

N 18 B 5.8K C 1 E Mar 30, 2014 F Apr 3, 2014
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Seven consecutive frames taken with a Konica AA-35 half-frame camera in week 222 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Agfa Vista film from Poundland, developed in the Tetenal C41 kit. Scanned to include the sprocket holes.

Tags:   Half Frame Konica AA-35 Konica AA-35 automaitc half frame 18x24 18mm x 24mm motordrive motor drive autofocus flat gold sliding Hexanon 24mm f4 Konica Hexanon miniature brushed champagne analog analogue 35mm film 135 Agfa Vista ISO200 color colour negative Tetenal C41 Agfa Vista Poundland sprocket holes sprocket holes Chantrey Norton Grange St James St James Chantreyland Thomas Chantrey Konica Recorder Recorder

N 6 B 1.9K C 1 E Nov 11, 2012 F Nov 12, 2012
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Six consecutive frames taken with the Yashica Samurai X4.0 camera which I first used in week 142 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:

This is a half frame 35mm SLR camera, though it looks far more like a camcorder from about 10 years ago.
The film is Agfa Vista 200 from Poundland. Scanned to include the sprocket holes.

Tags:   aut-aut Samurai Yashica X4.0 Yashica Samurai X4.0 Yashica Samurai half frame 35mm 18x24 18mm x 24mm SLR single lens reflex zoom 4x x4 25mm 100mm 25mm-100mm mirror motor drive motordrive autofocus camcorder video film analog analogue
