Taken with an Olympus mju V camera in week 197 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
Tags: Olympus mju V film camera analog analogue Stylus Select 105 Stylus Select 105 mju-V compact 35mm metal all weather all weather 38-105mm world's smallest 3x zoom smooth metal body Tetenal C41 lomo lomography lomography film ISO400 400 color colour negative
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Day 1371
Since January 1st 2010, I have been taking and uploading one square picture each day to:
Tags: 365-square
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Taken with a Fisheye Baby 110 camera in week 198 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
The film is expired Fujicolor 200, developed at home in the Tetenal C41 kit.
Tags: 110 toy cameras Fisheye Baby 110 Malaga pocket instamatic cartridge miniature camera Lomography 16mm subminiature toy toy camera novelty wide fish-eye fish eye 170 170 degrees Fujicolor Fuji Color colour 200 ISO200 expired old Tetenal C41 film markings edge edge markings frame number arror perforation
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Five overlapping exposures taken with a Fisheye Baby 110 camera in week 198 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
The film is expired Fujicolor 200, developed at home in the Tetenal C41 kit.
Tags: aut-aut 110 blender double exposure toy cameras Fisheye Baby 110 Malaga pocket instamatic cartridge miniature camera Lomography 16mm subminiature toy toy camera novelty wide fish-eye fish eye 170 170 degrees Fujicolor Fuji Color colour 200 ISO200 expired old Tetenal C41 film markings edge edge markings frame number arror perforation contemporaryarchitecture
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This is from my second roll of "LomoChrome Purple" which is a new novelty film from Lomography, in which the colour sensitive layers in the emulsion have been re-ordered to give wild colour shifts and some of the flavour of infrared film. Exposed at ISO200 and developed in the Tetenal C41 kit.
Taken with the Ricoh R1 camera that I used in week 166 of my 52 film cameras in 52 weeks project:
This camera was also sold as the "Rollei Prego Micron"
Tags: film Lomochrome Purple Ricoh R1 Malaga LomoChrome Purple LomoChrome Purple LomoChrome Purple XR 100-400 XR 100-400 XR 100-400 C41 Tetenal color cast shift blue mauve infrared Lomography photos of cameras Rollei Prego Micron Rollei Prego Micron Ricoh R1 point shoot compact wide panoramic 24mm 30mm automatic film camera 35mm I shoot film film is not dead 1s10c contemporaryarchitecture blueskyplus
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