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User / pho-Tony / Sets / Agfacontour
Tony Kemplen / 11 items

N 5 B 711 C 0 E Jan 15, 2024 F Jan 16, 2024
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In 1974, while still at school, I experimented with various techniques to produce “abstract” photographs. This example was created using Agfacontour, a technical film made to create equidensities. It has both negative and positive components, which, according to the exposure given produce black and white images of a given density. For example three separations could be made for each of the light, dark and intermediate tones.
This was a time consuming business, and the film was discontinued once it became possible to make separations digitally.
Having made the separations, I went on to add colour, giving each layer a different hue. I did this in two ways, first by making black and white negatives on lith film, and using the Tetenal toning chemicals to replace the black silver image with a dye layer. Later I used 24 x 36mm images together with a slide duplicator and added different coloured light for each layer. This was done by keeping the shutter open and working in the dark.

Tags:   old slides AgfaContour abstract photography equidensity experimental photography alternative processes I shoot film

N 4 B 500 C 0 E Jan 15, 2024 F Jan 16, 2024
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In 1974, while still at school, I experimented with various techniques to produce “abstract” photographs. This example was created using Agfacontour, a technical film made to create equidensities. It has both negative and positive components, which, according to the exposure given produce black and white images of a given density. For example three separations could be made for each of the light, dark and intermediate tones.
This was a time consuming business, and the film was discontinued once it became possible to make separations digitally.
Having made the separations, I went on to add colour, giving each layer a different hue. I did this in two ways, first by making black and white negatives on lith film, and using the Tetenal toning chemicals to replace the black silver image with a dye layer. Later I used 24 x 36mm images together with a slide duplicator and added different coloured light for each layer. This was done by keeping the shutter open and working in the dark.

Tags:   old slides AgfaContour abstract photography equidensity experimental photography alternative processes I shoot film

N 5 B 567 C 0 E Jan 15, 2024 F Jan 16, 2024
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In 1974, while still at school, I experimented with various techniques to produce “abstract” photographs. This example was created using Agfacontour, a technical film made to create equidensities. It has both negative and positive components, which, according to the exposure given produce black and white images of a given density. For example three separations could be made for each of the light, dark and intermediate tones.
This was a time consuming business, and the film was discontinued once it became possible to make separations digitally.
Having made the separations, I went on to add colour, giving each layer a different hue. I did this in two ways, first by making black and white negatives on lith film, and using the Tetenal toning chemicals to replace the black silver image with a dye layer. Later I used 24 x 36mm images together with a slide duplicator and added different coloured light for each layer. This was done by keeping the shutter open and working in the dark.

Tags:   old slides AgfaContour abstract photography equidensity experimental photography alternative processes I shoot film

N 6 B 451 C 2 E Nov 30, 2023 F Jan 22, 2024
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In 1974, while still at school, I experimented with various techniques to produce “abstract” photographs. This example was created using Agfacontour, a technical film made to create equidensities. It has both negative and positive components, which, according to the exposure given produce black and white images of a given density. For example three separations could be made for each of the light, dark and intermediate tones.
This was a time consuming business, and the film was discontinued once it became possible to make separations digitally.
Having made the separations, I went on to add colour, giving each layer a different hue. I did this in two ways, first by making black and white negatives on lith film, and using the Tetenal toning chemicals to replace the black silver image with a dye layer. Later I used 24 x 36mm images together with a slide duplicator and added different coloured light for each layer. This was done by keeping the shutter open and working in the dark.

Tags:   old slides AgfaContour abstract photography equidensity experimental photography alternative processes I shoot film

N 4 B 405 C 0 E Jan 15, 2024 F Jan 22, 2024
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In 1974, while still at school, I experimented with various techniques to produce “abstract” photographs. This example was created using Agfacontour, a technical film made to create equidensities. It has both negative and positive components, which, according to the exposure given produce black and white images of a given density. For example three separations could be made for each of the light, dark and intermediate tones.
This was a time consuming business, and the film was discontinued once it became possible to make separations digitally.
Having made the separations, I went on to add colour, giving each layer a different hue. I did this in two ways, first by making black and white negatives on lith film, and using the Tetenal toning chemicals to replace the black silver image with a dye layer, as in this example. Later I used 24 x 36mm images together with a slide duplicator and added different coloured light for each layer. This was done by keeping the shutter open and working in the dark.

Tags:   old slides AgfaContour abstract photography equidensity experimental photography alternative processes I shoot film
