Last night between 12 and 3am was the peak of the annual Geminid meteor shower. I spent about an hour outside trying to get some pics, this was the only meteor I managed to photograph. The 'shooting stars' are notoriously difficult to capture as they only last a brief moment. At one point I counted 15 meteors burning up as they entered the atmosphere in a space of just a few minutes.
Just look at the unbelievable amount of stars visible in the unpolluted skies of Cornwall.
This photograph was taken looking towards the South West at around 12.15am.
Someone once said ' there are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on the beach', all I can say is they obviously havn't been to Weston Super Mare when the tide is out!
Tags: meteor Geminid shooting star stars sky night sky Geminid meteor shower Cornwall astronomy constellation gemini
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The moon has been much in the news recently and we have also had some good clear views leading up to last nights full moon.
This is a crop of an image I took using my 600mm lens and a x2 converter. Some noise in the image but then again the subject is over 250,000 miles away!
Click on the image, then click again to view on black, the image looks better viewed this way.
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Out and about for the eclipse this morning. All set up with 600mm lens on Canon 5D Mark II, 10 stop filter attached and bingo!....perfect conditions. Took about hundred images from start to finish of this rare event. The moon is obscuring about a third of the sun in this particular image....what makes this photograph my favourite of the day is the fabulously clear sunspot, officially known as Sunspot 2303 apparently! The image has been converted to black and white to get rid of colour noise.
Thanks for looking .
Tags: Solar Eclipse march 2015 Eclipse March 2015 Solar Eclipse sunspot sunspot 2303sun eclipse moon astronomy
The Moon and Venus in close conjuction on 28th January 2020.
Tags: moon Venus conjunction
Venus is incredible bright this month, and at the beginning of the month is in conjunction with the star cluster known as the Pleiades.
On April 3rd. Venus will be on top of them. I took this image on the night of the second as Venus started to pass the cluster.
Tags: Venus Pleiades Venus and the Pleides in conjunction in April 2020 night photography