Not all games are illegal like the pit fight on life and death at weird underground pubs, here is one of the most popular legal games in all of the Galaxy named: flag-pole-knock-ball
The rules are fairly simple, or is quite simple when just two team are competing there are also multi sided versions that are more complicated...
The basic rule are:
There are four players in every team,
3 players with team-flags there are not allowed to tackle anyone but may defend if attacked...
There are one play out of four in each team that has a red flag and they are allowed to attack other participants with any kind of flags (even their own if they should feel like it)
Every play must at all time keep their flag in one of the manipulation limbs or similar!
every player must the manage to take their ball and place it in one of the differently colored blow-vents, different colors give different points depending on which team places it where you can get 1, 3 or five points...
when a player have placed a ball in the nozzle of the vent blowing air he should try to make it to one of the "mountains" and try to stay there in at least 1 minute he then gains 5 points and gets another ball and can try to make more points by repeating the feat!
this carries on until one team have scored 51 points or more!
the game is divided in three sets team with most won sets are the overall winner of the game
If a player makes a mistake then that player may no longer participate in that set but may partake in the set after that (if it isn´t the final game)
if all players in all teams have made "faults" and are outside the field then no one wins the set
In the case of a a tiebreak it is the audience who will decide the winner but mostly happens only if each team wins a set and then all players are outed in one game...
every a game is played there will be non-lethal boobytraps and machines and devices that will make the game harder for the players some are voice activated by specific words, audio volumes and sound waves this makes the game extremely popular among the galaxy´s inhabitants of any species and huge crowds come to the games to try to activate the devices then they can brag after the game that they activated this machine for the fist time, when a activation code is broken both sides can then often at will activate the devices and that is one of the best parts of the game, the audience is actually participating in the game indirectly or rather directly actually!
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