model: Milla ( and a sliver of Jimmie )
photographer: me
i love this picture even though it is blurry Stange and weird, it looks like one of those strange pictures you see of “so called aliens” a strange thing is that her glasses looks like the orbs or ovals are of different size and color and her profile is not really hers, I guess I mistakenly snapped out of focus and with long shutter time…
I do remember the day, these guys were celebrating a birthday ( was it sue’s???)
I was walking past in the park and saw my classmates, Sue, Madde, Milla and two other friends of then Jimmie and Goldie…
I had never hanged with these people on non-school time, but they were my friends in Aesthetic class, drama, music and visual arts, later on when we stopped school they would all become really good friends and we would party and spend our days at café, I also got to be friends with Goldie and got to DTP school with Jimmie…
I remember that this day in the park ended with Milla and Goldie arguing about some stupid thing!!!
Peace and Noise!
/ MushroomBrain the observer of fiture friends
P.s (Gumpe might also have been in the park that day???)
P.P.S ( yes I can date it pretty accurate since I went to the Art school 1995-1996)
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