I can believe that it is so long, that is actually the last time I visited the country where I hold one of my citizenships in, 2004… so I must be about 18 years old on the photo…
Time flies!
The People on the picture is my GM’s sister who used to work at the circus, she is still living in Skeggy…
The man and woman Is Ronny a brother to Reggie (Cecine’s late husband brother) and his Hungarian wife Yoshua ( not certain on her spelling ) they are all from the Paolo circus family, if you want to see them as young, they are featured online in the “Harry Paulo collection” a collection of old circus images…
Their name before was Butcher, I understand why the changed that to Paulo… I mean Reggie was a clown, imagine the poster: come to the Butcher circus and Watch Reggie The Butcher Clown… he, he!
The dog is named Lucky he is by far dead, so is sadly Ronnie too, he gave me my first ever silver dollar, if Yoshua is alivr I don’t know??? If she is she must be as old as my Aunt Cecine who is nearing going towards 100
…and as the Nerd I was I am posing with my Krause coin collectors “bible”
Peace and Noise!
/ MushroomBrain descendant of the caravan people
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