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User / dannyhennesy / Sets
Danny Hennesy / 34 items

Art Series "Jokers, fools, Freaks, Mutants and...
608 photos
the latest of my series will be parallel with some other series :) Peace and Noise! / MushroomBrain the Creator

Artwork Series "Glorified Clutter" phantasmic...
445 photos
I did them...

Caffeine Overdose Killing Boredom by Doodles,...
273 photos
a try to capture my past life, spending all my money at cheap cafés drinking far to much coffee, eating far to little and geting halucinogenic visions by caffeine and could se universes in the...

“paraphrases and pastiches, MushroomBrain...
9 photos
Here I will make my own interpretations of the old masters

ATC - Cluttered Playing Card artworks series and...
47 photos
a series of different playing cards altered in to art by MushrooMbrain Danny Hennesy + and my fantasy ccg game cards and stuff

TRADITIONAL ART the Finearts of Danny...
1902 photos
Peace and Noise! Danny Hennesy :)

Anything Sci-fi and aliens + robots
581 photos
Just a compilation on my sci-fi stuff... art, collections and that jazz!

Danny MushroomBrain Hennesy Face photos and manips
846 photos, 1 video
Snaps and images where I feature

Fine Art Photography By Danny Hennesy
1991 photos
New tune on youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSFbat0IYw 8 oct Free download MP3, flac or wav on Bandcamp: dannyhennesyfeattransvestitestallion.bandcamp.com/music Make Noise and Love :) 4...

Painted and decorated object DIY-like arty
183 photos
Just an album where I display all thinks that is painted up on or decorated or similar!!! Peace and Noise! / MushroomBrain

Digital art, design and works
718 photos
I am the Multimedia Artist Danny "MushroomBrain" Hennesy The Creator of Multiverses and King Queen and Emperor of Homeland, if you want to be updated on my latest art do follow me at...

from Danny Hennesy´s sketch book
1127 photos

LEGO Mocs, stocks art and more
783 photos

AnYthInG ABstrAct
1659 photos
Mr MushroomBrain and Uncle Hennesy is my name I am from Sweden, mostly but my heart belongs to Vienna, to see more of my art and farts please do visit some of my Pages related to me or my...

Flea Market findings, antiques, retro and Vintage
600 photos

Numismatics & Exonumia bills, coins, notes,...
29 photos

Art sweet Home, Hoarding and collections compact...
551 photos, 1 video
some day I will afford a real house :) New tune on youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSFbat0IYw 8 oct Free download MP3, flac or wav on Bandcamp:...

32 photos
and other star wars stuff and stuffing

Designs made for my (former) Band and...
206 photos
New tune on youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSFbat0IYw 8 oct Free download MP3, flac or wav on Bandcamp: dannyhennesyfeattransvestitestallion.bandcamp.com/music Make Noise and Love :) 4...

Wh40K games workshop stuff and oldhammer vintage...
38 photos

WIP the Classic Castle Mega schloss in Mighty...
251 photos
this started as a display stand for my LEGO knights and villains :) who Know where it might end up??? I will update this from time to time...

Random Toy Colections and collectors items
1030 photos
If you Are interested in trading, exchanging or buying or selling drop me a line....

900 photos
Abstract mixed media painting Acrylics, glue and more... but I still seem to have time to paint :) my Experimental bands YOUTUBE Channel: of the outsider Dada electronic Glitch Noise ART band...

Industrial and blue colored romance
416 photos
thanx 4 all support dear Flickering friends...!!! my Experimental bands YOUTUBE Channel: of the outsider Dada electronic Glitch Noise ART band TRANSVESTITEstallion:...

jokers, jesters and fools and other playing cards...
61 photos
I love and collect jokers the best of all playing cards, i have close to 300 now ... do you like or collect jokers? if you are interested in buying or swapping, drop me a line at:...

Wien City of my Heart (Vienna)
328 photos

STREET Gallavanting in Vienna (Wien, Bec)
251 photos
I love my new city

28 photos
a wonderful city with loads of culture and subculture...

(Denmark &) Copenhagen KBH København CPH the...
46 photos
Since I have albums dedicated to my two other cities of Mad love, Vienna and Berlin I thought I should have one for my third fling city Copenhagen too and here it is:

Malmö, malmoe, malmo, my present city of resident
550 photos
I am the Multimedia Artist Danny "MushroomBrain" Hennesy The Creator of Multiverses and King Queen and Emperor of Homeland, if you want to be updated on my latest art do follow me at...

Nature, flower and stuff untainted by humans :)
131 photos

21 photos
OUI! Je suis à Paris, France pour la première fois depuis 25 ans, en visitant un vieil ami! noisy insane art video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCmYXe8jxvk download our futuristic anti-music dada...

trashy random crap by MushroomBrain
4953 photos, 1 video
the Multimedia Artist Danny "MushroomBrain" Hennesy The Creator of Multiverses and King Queen and Emperor of Homeland, if you want to be updated on my latest art do follow me at...

public artworks like statues and streetart...
93 photos