This is the little ice cream shop with nice ice cream just out the door from my building, yes we bought loads of lovely frozen stuff there...
Tags: Eissalon Bortilotti Gelation Wien/vienna drittel bezirk bezike Landstrasser Huaptstrasse next where I Wien City Heart (Vienna) Bec) Fine Art Photography By Danny Hennesy Eine Eisdiele oder ein Eiscafé Österreich herrscht die italienische Bezeichnung Gelateria vielfältigen Eiskreationen erhält man Eisdielen auch Kaffees aller und andere Getränke nacht nach kaffe kafe cafe café kafé stadt Glace neo ober waiter herr landstrasse 123 1030 Creme ohne Eiskristall-bildung wiener nightly walk town snap shiny lights night-lights waiting eis neon
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This is an old pic from my old new city of Vienna taken from a bridge Donaukanal passing by and the Simmering Chimneys at some distance when ever I could I would love to walk around in my new city discovering or visiting places I liked, once I was trying to walk to the airport by the Danube river, discovered that there is a water separating the airport from the spot I was at, then a mist started to appear and darkness came when I was trying to find my way back got lost in a woodland near Mannswörh a village outside the city, I took ages to find my way back and my nerves was all cracked so I had a really big Krügel with beer at the Mannswörth Inn to calm me down!
Peace and Noise!
/ MushroomBrain the experienced voyager of the world :)
Tags: Wien City Heart Industrial blue colored romance 189 items wasser water fluss flüss flü flüß flowing Alte Donau neo nostalgia Industri chimneys nature chimney red rot weiss white green photography photo foto fotografie feinkunst environment danube altedonau industi industry mannswörth walking voyages eddie eddies living urban town vienne beauty uygly ugly bridge brücke tranquil tranquility slow flood flooding bushes baum grass urbanized simmering kaisermülhen prater plains austria österreich østerrige austro sky stadt vienna pic img
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a snap when I was out walking in the area Simmering or Landstrasse close to my old home this is the basic image I used for the TRANSVESTITEstallion E-sleeve for internet promo
Peace and Noise!
Tags: insane art artwork contemporary experimental freak multi artist danny hennesy mushroombrain funky cool collection pic picture visual kaputt kaput glas glass breaking broken cracked squared contrast sun cracks wien vienna bec simmering landstrasse photo foto fotografie photography striking fina-art mech net armerad grid steele pitch black sky cloud bright sunlit licht himmel break crack window vindue istykker stykker wein sharp edges house inside outside dorten dort drinnen drinn sharf ekke ecke hjørn ruta breakthrough shard
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To clarify my point of view I am standing "Inside" in the ruin and below the fence but not in the fence but rather close to it, I, that Is me I am the author to the pic but not the ruin or something similar!
Peace and Noise!
/ Uncle MushroomBrain
Tags: here wien vienna bec art artwork fineart fine photo pic foto photography bezirk street urban suburban city town grey artistic kust fotographie drittle third first erste touristic anti turismus stadt strasse landstrasse landstrasser 3. district drei drittel ruin veinna wienerish ruinen simmering rust decay broken kaputt hole wire cavity ruins modern urabn landscape desolate wired square exploring image photgrapher doku cracked paint cracking krackelering krackelerung wall holed slope gulley valley urabniced abandoned bunker deacing rubble
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weird, usually these things have a logo or something, perhaps it is a Cobra vehicle with a missil launcher inside or one of Mayhems transforming M.A.S.K vehicles or even one of those alien robots that hide out as vehicles here on earth???
Peace and Noise!
/ MushroomBrain
Tags: here wien vienna bec art artwork fineart fine photo pic foto photography bezirk street urban suburban city town grey artistic kust fotographie drittle third first erste touristic anti turismus stadt strasse landstrasse landstrasser 3. district drei drittel lkw truck långtradare mysterious photograph covert clandestine lorry trolley släp lastkraftswagen wagen auto container fraighter freighter mechanical driving parked car park parker unknown fotografie photograpic austria austrian lorries long tall high lange gelb unmarked without trucker bright colored
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