This is my old box! yes to be a Warhammer 40.000 player a long time ago, this was my first set of plastic figures I saved the box for decades and recently sold it online this picture is all of it I have left, I saved the Ream of Chaos Books (didn´t sell them) because I love the art in them, and is sometimes dreaming of doing remake perhaps digital of basic campaign system with loonies following Gods in strife of glory power following perverted gods that mutate their souls and bodies, and also it has some great artwork and short stories, Ian Millers ink paintings and all that weird chaos stuff a pity that (what I have seen) about the new stuff is that it is so clean and niffy, I miss the rawness and creativity of the old Rogue Trader days...
Peace and Noise!
MushroomBrain the once Harlequin Death Jester
Tags: imperial space marines emperor rogue trader retro plastic set box cover art boxed gamesworkshop gw games workshop conflict wargames wargame wh40k 80s 90´s toys toy figures boxartwork retrospective gamer roleplay roleplayer citadel play roleplayers imperials figure realm chaos warriors soldiers battle tabletop rpg packaging pack nose-marines knights sci-fi science fiction sf 80´s 80ies 90ies fantasy universe galaxy killer commande red fists chapter lexis adeptus astrates bolter lase warface warfare painted hobby leasure warhammer wahammer
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this is a vintage wh40k Rogue Trader Landraider converted in to a chaos nurgle machine, the paintjob isn´t done yet... rust, mold, infestion and slime... if you like toys and fun, why not visit my new Toy-Vlog on youtube:
Peace and Noise!
Tags: nurgle nurgling nurglings rogue trader oldhammer warhammer landraider model slime tank avp vintage 40k 40.000 wh40k gw games workshop chaos conversion converted slimy rare nurgleesque tanking viehecle tracked organic rust plage machine demon daemon possessed possession spider yeyes eyes mucus snot panzer painted wip toy game tabletop thick armoured oldschool 90s fanged repulsive puke metalic metalo metal battle field war warmachine work progress plague mechanical beast burdon wacky nuts snotty drewling cxatterpillar catterpillar grub eye
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the Multimedia Artist Danny "MushroomBrain" Hennesy
I loved when they had abhuman units in the Imperial Guard, long live the rough trader before everything became all about selling stuff and creativity gone out the window!
Make Noise and Love :)
4 mushroomBrain and TRANSVESTITEstallion and ART!!!
Tags: Girth Major Alien through our old (no Longer My Flickr: wh40k packmaster beastman imperial guard squad rare vintage gw games workshop figure toy goathead beast chainsword harness leader squads retro wh lead tin beastmen photo pic img abhuman abhumans odd shadow mutant mutated human faction roleplay table top tabletop troops war pack military empire miniature retrospective oldhammer painted warriors sword sci-fi science fiction canon picture pictures citadell paint hobby wargamer wargame 40k 40.000 play
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Yes I did play WH40k once in the 80ies and 90ies and at a few events later, the thing I really liked was playing 40k warbands in realm of chaos campaign style!
as Uncle Bowie said: "Don´t tell god your plans..."
Peace and Noise!
Tags: toy toys macro robot hero quest heroquest figures figurines model plastic henchmen sci-fi future masch up conversion evil nasty laboratory play shot fine-art photo photography room lebensraum wohnzimmer mein flat mixed toying adult collector frankentoys frankentoy wh40k warhammer games workshop game gaming modeling multi low robotech macros japanese horned horny tall high mechanical man-at-arms knight lego bg desk fantasy las-gun oldhammer wargames wargamer tabletop 40.000 40k stuff radom creative area close deviant parts plane valkyre
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I found this old picture of my old Warhammer Sci-fi Orc battle wagon from the 90´s
the pic was taken for an online action where I sold it for some years ago, it has got so many layers of paint that you hardly can see it´s original shape, kind of cool, I guess every new greenskin owner repainted it :)
Peace and Noise!
/ MushroomBrain the once Oldhammer IRL gamer
Tags: Wh oldhammer 40k battle-wagon orcish ork orks waargh waaargh 90´s toy model kit plastic conversion skull gore vehicle sci-fi steam punk warhammer 40000 future past vintage retro retrospective models 40 kilo spiny metal war wheels cluttered chaos painjob red alien aliens car auto wagen sf ride evil suns clan shield canopy carboleit cab riders games workshop gw antique toys speil spiel play painted citadels white drawf piped orky mork battle vehicles sold modeling hobby game
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