Q: excuse our little gap in the series, but Now we are back with Uncle Danny Hennesy:
D: Glad to Be back!
Q: you were once in a Noise Band, what made you choose this path and I guess you know my next questing, Who were they, you seem to be the only named member?
D: well I would´t call it Noise and not either a real band...
Q: so what were you and what did you pay?
D: more like a series of different projects acting as a band and I wouldn´t really like to Label our audios, since that would have limited us...
Q: Oh I See! so can you give us the name of some of the members?
D: the only name I can and will give you is the name of the Hive mind: TRANSVESTITEstallion, I can also give you the name of the founding members which never really did play in the "Band", it was me, Done (don´t forget his last name) and Lesbian Jesus a well known fellow who used to sit in Kungsparken in Malmö and drink Orangenboom Beer...
Q: so the never played in the band?!
D: no the founding members never preformed all three of us...
Q: ooh and what is MushroomBrain Solo?
D: it is my Solo Project without any wookies, it all ready stated when we still was doing the TRANSVESTITEstallion thing, I think it was just labeled TRANSVESTITEstallion as a MushroomBrain Solo Project, MushroomBrain is a name I used on online art communities...
Q: I am not certain that these questions made me any more enlightened on the subject?
D: Good
Q: ok I see... well thats all för that Danish Coin valued at a quater crown... tune in to us next time here on the show: Interview with Danny Hennesy aka. MushroomBrain
D: Bye Bye audience!
Tags: spoon collecting collectables collected souvenir pr cuttlery Flee Market findings antiques retro and Vintage interview danny RANDOM OBJECTS 82 items trashy crap by MushroomBrain spain poland nice town ornamented valued tradera auctioneer auktion auction aktion shiny metallic silver abundance bestick skedar skede sked arms crested crest antique small sample spun eagle örn ørn griffon griff rampart grif grip reflection iron eating tools tool france french spanish sammel sammlar crown crowned rnadom 5 five fûnf Fünf fem display displayed chairing
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just a sort of entertaining snaps of the jar I use to collect beads in, there is only some at the bottom since I have sold the previous lot :)
Tags: antiques rashy random crap by MushroomBrain 506 items Playful toy beads lying around jar waiting get ripe IMG_7050 Beadwork is art or craft attaching one another stringing them with eads used create jewelry other articles pers decorative object that formed variety shapes sizes material shaped carving casting This true most plastic bea designed be worn one's an item play especially for such u animal bear teddy vivid bright pvc colorful container glass inside perspective orbish
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is it only me??? or is this the face of HUK from Sungolds knock-off lines? is this another one of Sungolds Frankensteins? please tell me if you know anything about this odd salty sea-dog buccaneer!
Tags: pirate buccaneer buccaner fighting fantasy sun gold sungold huk bearded beard freebooter pegleg hook captain morgan tall plastic toy identifying unidentified unknown' mark make antiques Random Colections collectors items 225 trashy crap by MushroomBrain did not fire) from Sungolds knock-off lines? is this another one hong kong pegged pvc mann piraten fiu figur hat jolly roger free amputee face off headed reheaded spielzeug nasty evil bad collect human identify unidentifyed spielzuge pirat piracy wooden toys collection ko
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oh it is time to part, I was only a teen when I met this thin fleshless creature at a antique market in London, Daniella you will be missed... a new owner awaits you...
( She is at precent SOLD)
Tags: skull eyes gaze gazing deathhead death dead undead skeleton cranium cranial eye ball Iball jolly danniella dannyella skeletal head given bought separation rotting girlfriend headless bony bones thin horror scary spooky rip rest peace burried body deathlings necromancy mecromantic nocromance sweet cute ghastly decomposed photo portrait selling gast organic resurected odöd skellton antique restless soul ghost bonewhite white eyeing eyed doll knuckles roger grim reaper object human origin doku toten kopf totenkopf tot töter sterben
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at an old abandoned factory these droids or bots stand like Modern statues collecting dust and rust!
Rust in Pieces dear Mechanoids!
Tags: LEGO LEGOS toy toys droids robots mechs robotar macrofigures giant machine abandoned frozen stiff Classic Space: by lack fule old factory collecting dusty (Robot Moc AFOL LEGO)IMG_0008 (1) mechas transform industrial workers non-minifigures mini automation block production stiffened grey gray models mechanoidicals giantbot bots SF sci-fi build builder snap photo construct dull machinery claw robotic robotics simple standars drones builders fallen floor level figures sciencefiction science fiction blocks legetøj leksaker model das own creation industry
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