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User / dannyhennesy / Sets / Flea Market findings, antiques, retro and Vintage
Danny Hennesy / 600 items

N 7 B 1.1K C 1 E Jul 1, 2024 F Jul 1, 2024
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Photo by me (MushroomBrain) in denmark in the mid nineties

models: A realm of chaos warband in the Rogue trader days imperial guard as Chaos human thugs and Advanced Hero Quest skaven as chaos Beastmen and an actual Fleshhound as a Fleshhoud in the background a converted star wars ST-AT walker ( sadly not in focus ) that I bought from my friend Browne and converted in to a Chaos vehicle…

Peace, chaos and Noise!

MushroomBrain a Hippie who used to be a hobby warlord

Tags:   art arte figure image img photo photography pic picture random series toy vintage traditional Warhammer 40k hobby shot from 90s Denmark with Khorne aligned chaos warband foreground converted Star Wars chicken-walker ST-AT taken system camera intermediate tubes get an optic effect teenaged wargame khornate followers sci-fi plastic modeling citadel oldhammer past demon daemon demonic skaven skavens beastmen ahq hq miniatures mini games workshop wargamers rpg roleplay nerd nerdy stuff hound retrospective monster human alien space

N 12 B 2.2K C 1 E Jan 2, 2025 F Jan 2, 2025
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One of the most ancient people in the known world are the Easterlings, well actually their part in the old world is in relative terms quite new…

That is, many emperors of the island made an isolation policy. They were quite happy to keep to themselves and preserve their ancient culture and way of life…

The nominal ruler was always the emperor, a semi religious symbol that some claim was the union of the moon goddess and the blazing sun deity… but often the de facto power was in the hands of warlords and their clans fighting miniature civil wars to become what people called the major ShaunGann Godzilla…

That all changed when the present emperor was a just a crown prince and was kidnapped by a lovely local minor warlord who didn’t know he was royalty since he incognito frequented the nasty harbor quarters… during the kidnapping he managed to slay three fully trained ninja warriors…

This loss was a huge blow to the minor clan so the decided to train their new prisoner in the art of war such as Fung-jizzo, tan-baka sword fight, haia-haka-dury the assassins dirty trade and he still kept his identity a secret, he rose in the ranks among his abductors army until he was second in command only outranked by the faction dictator, which he killed by a No-dachi through the guts…

The story tells that the dying master smiled while impaled by his general and said while slowly fading away to the spirit world: “Men this one is good, I appoint him to my successor that is my final wish…

…and with this new leader soon he became the ShaunGann Godzilla in the empire of the far east…

…his brother who was next in line when the crown prince mystically had disappeared had assumed power when he had poisoned his father at a tea ceremony felt threatened by this new ambitious warlord and ordered him killed, but by using his assassin training he had infiltrated the royal court and rushed at speed and took his brothers dagger and pushed it in to his chest…

The dying emperor and brother looked into his eyes and said: my brother I finally found you, I look into your eyes and I am proud to die at the hands of this mighty ruler, the emperor is dead, long live the emperor…

…as a ruler he was the first emperor who was in real power for a thousand years, he ruled by a firm hand and united the country as a single unified entity…

He was also the first Emperor to end the isolation, he let some foreign ship anchor in his harbours and trade, two cities opened up for limited trade, Wogzuzuki where the Black Falcons traded and Toyplazadiki where Henry’s crusaders traded…

…the young Henry was a tricky bastard even as young! He tried to sell the empire something his mage had invented called fermented turnips as a remedy for syphilis, but when it was found out to be without medical value he declared the Crusaders war and joined the Barbarian faction, when the Black falcons joined Henries alliance their trading station was also unwanted…

But later on when he found out that the other barbarians had no honor in battle he switched sides…

…today many claim that they are the ones actually controlling the alliance by diplomacy, pulling strings, secret handshakes and fuling palace plots in secrecy…

…anyhow their secret ninjago assassins are hiding all over the royal palace…

…most often not seen, but sometimes intervening when some politics don’t go the way that suits their Emperor!!!

…in this picture he stands surrounded by some of his best fighters, while being worshipped by his people at: the holy god-emperors day!!!

Tags:   By contemporary face figure image img photo photography pic picture series random toy traditional vintage LEGO Classic Castle (Ninjago): Easterling Emperor his home kingdom (or empire) holy ceremony local holiday with best warrior samurai undercover ninja assassins (asian medieval AFOL MOC army line up collecting hobby faction royal no-dachi katana nan-shuk samurais ninjas ninjagos minifigures minfig groupie group warriors foreign historical history saga houses buildings figures helm sword ruler plastic hobbies nerdy backstory armored assassin

N 13 B 2.9K C 3 E Oct 3, 2024 F Oct 3, 2024
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Snook was furious these simple thugs, the just didn’t want to learn, here they had a genius in extended and expanded warfare, and those fools that he trained for months in performing the simple task on how to fire a Catapult…

He climbed up in to the catapult placed the net himself then he addressed his imbecil warmachine crew:

Now when the net is completely covered in the net you can load the ammo of alliance troops heads, then…

A thud of twisted tight ropes that transferred its mighty energy to the warmachines mighty wooden arm levered the military tactic genius in to the air also made the same go silent…

Or if he actually said anything that would not be heard because of the siege machine's horrid noise and the giggle that sounded among the “imbecil” crew…

Snook could be seen flying like a dead bat covered in net through the sky only to be an ant-size spot before landing somewhere in the besieged city…

one barbarian said: there goes our tormentor and self claimed tactical smarthead!
…still he didn’t see this coming, falling for such an easy trick!!!

The rest of the crew cheered with one voice and then started laughing out of pure joy!!!

(in the besieged Capital)

The people of the capital had first been happy when the stone barrage stopped for several days, the Barbarian faction must have depleted their giant stone ammo supply… but soon the bombardment would start again but with a very different munition, this time not to damage buildings but to spread disease and to lover moral and strike terror on the townsfolk… dead alliance soldiers heads, slime, guts and pus

…and truly terror was struck in the inhabitants when a rotting corpse they might know came flying through the air…

But today something different came… at first they heard a terrifying hellscream, was it a new kind of weapon of terror?

Then a net with something living hit a roof then bounced down in front of the palace…

At first the people surrounding the screaming bundle in the square were hesitant to approach it, but when no explosion happened and it seemed like it was just a net with a single screaming barbarian one by one they approached it…

The tiny hunchback man lying there had started to “land” he was no longer screaming in panic, but instead said things like:

Stupid me, how could I fall for such a simple trick???

When he noticed the wall of people around him he said:

…are you, are you the people? Please don’t kill me, I am an important barbarian, I am worth twice my weight in gold…

…I am actually against the war, I want peace, I want our people to live side by side in peace…

…take me to your leader, please don’t kill me…

By now alliance soldiers had reached the spot and they started to untangle the netted shrink from his messy prison..

One looked at him and Said:

Hey isn’t that the barbarian queens right tactic hand known as sneeze, snooze or something like that…

The entangled tactic then said: yes but I have betrayed her, I no Longer serve that loser Tirana! I escaped to make peace! I seek asylum as a political refugee…

The Knight: replied! Oh Really take him to our inquisitor he can get him to speak the truth…

Tags:   art By contemporary face figure image img kunst photo photography pic picture random series toy traditional vintage LEGO Classic Castle: Snooks involuntary catapult flight his capture POW alliance knights captivity is he traitor or just saving own slimy skin Medieval AFOL MOC city kingdom troop minifigures) hobby mittelzeit crusaders minfigs town gate castillo burg schloss knecht prosoner shield man-at-arms story saga net warmachine horse pferd wagon facade legos brick construction toys townsfolk silly humor hobbies

N 6 B 1.7K C 1 E Sep 30, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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Photo: MushroomBrain (Me)
Models: Knock-off MOTU toys

The picture was taken in Vienna when we where still lodging at Spengergasse in Vienna’s fifth district with no home of our own! We went to a flea market somewhere and this trio followed me home!

That made then one of the first things I acquired in my new city…

Talking about Vienna! Sadly I too saw the election results in the Austrian 2024 election! Yes Vienna is the capital of Austria and a red zone and Bundesland in the more traditional surrounding Austria!!!

I hope that Nehammer ( the PM )even though he not my cup of Coffee will choose to make a coalition with SPÖ and NEOS/the green rather than ruling with the Putin-friendly and far-right populist…

I believe in Democracy, and the konservatives, greens, social democrats and liberals all believe in the democratic state and value it’s fundaments of independent media, independents courts and freedom of culture and diversity!!!

That should be more uniting as these fundamental democratic institutions and liberties should be more uniting than other similarities of things as economics and other thing the conservatives share with the populists!!!

No matter what it is a sad day ( yet another one ) for Austria, Eu, Europe, Democracy and freedom!

I still can’t grasp it???
Why are people so attracted by those who see not Democracy as a way forward…

Why does so many want less democratic states and authoritarian string men ( and women )

peace, Democracy and Noise!

MushroomBrain with a bleeding democratic heart

Tags:   By contemporary face figure image img photo photography pic picture random series toy traditional vintage MOTU knock-offs bootleg-ish fakies but muscular plastic men one first thing I bought Vienna (except for food) fantasy fighters Galoob SunGold Sword sorcery 80 or 90s Hong Kong cheap fun pvc figuring bootleg chair wien neos fpö övp grüne green wrestlers body builders agenda fantastic anabol steroids spiel democracy aquired trio three drei collectors hobby hobbies play election austria muskelknippe

N 8 B 846 C 0 E Feb 14, 2025 F Feb 15, 2025
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Next stage on my trash model here are links to the earlier stages



Peace and Noise!

/MushroomBrain trash-artist

Tags:   art arte artist artwork By contemporary danny figure image hennesy img kunst mushroombrain photo photography pic random picture series toy traditional vintage Weekend bonus edition: Small Lego Robot presents: next stage sci-fi hobby model futuristic space junkyard WIP Harry’s scrapyard miniature construction build Games workshop craft crafted trash scrap sf modelling master droid mini huge giant metallic silver rust junkion junks garbage scratch-build trashy building architecture collected collection kit conversion amazing dirty dump landfill zone
