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User / dannyhennesy / Sets / TRADITIONAL ART the Finearts of Danny "MushroomBrain" Hennesy
Danny Hennesy / 1,902 items

N 6 B 934 C 4 E Aug 7, 2009 F Nov 26, 2013
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Mixed media artwork

the Multimedia Artist Danny "MushroomBrain" Hennesy

Make Noise and Love :)
4 mushroomBrain and TRANSVESTITEstallion and ART!!!

Tags:   Websites ART Danny Hennesy TRADITIONAL Finearts MushroomBrain child infant baby doll toy art-toy toy-art toy-artwork custom dolly dolled sinking paint blue orange toys remolded hands qiucksand quickpaint doll-mod mod-doll manikin display modern contemporary painting kunst arte childish painture ego alter meta surface drippy baby-doll doll-baby bäbis barn børn besbis spooky scary artdoll artdolls dollyart plastic collected children innocent artist pop populare silly cut up canvas sqare babies sink acrylic mixed media toying artistic creative arty

N 18 B 4.0K C 7 E Jul 27, 2017 F Mar 13, 2017
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Goody Morningly greetings! I am the Multimedia Artist Danny Hennesy more known on the interweb as MushroomBrain

Peace and Noise!

/ MushroomBrain

Tags:   giger baby doll horrordoll horror dolly art artwork mixedmedia mixed media toy toys warchild war innocent child kid cyborg organic machine mechanoid tech organo-tech blue red fleshmachine manmachine warmachine reluctant warrior sad danny hennesy mushroombrain psycology mandroid childish young youngling sci-fi futurism op´ painted kunst konst post apocalyptic pro7 pro anti robotic robotar menschmachine gun guns cog clockwork face head human creature fantasy cool dead reserected scary revival own future zoid transformer killer wounded rigged

N 2 B 1.1K C 0 E Dec 27, 2014 F Dec 27, 2014
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Just another sketch from my legendary biro-pad diary-books!

Peace and Noise!

/ MushroomBrain

Tags:   insane art artwork contemporary experimental freak multi artist danny hennesy mushroombrain funky cool collection pic picture visual Fluffy cloudish doodle shapes diary sketchbook draw hsaped arty sketch waves wavy stuff pad pen clutter cluttering twisting softer fluffier fluff comulus cloudy teckna tegne blyant kulepenne kuglschreiber kuglshriber biced biroed chsaos chaos order filled penning swirls swivels swirly curvy notebook notepad psychedelic pattern texture different ballpointpen sketched doodeling doodles doodeler shrigley-like scribble ornament bic biro ink curly

N 20 B 2.3K C 3 E Mar 6, 2037 F Oct 13, 2020
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This is the number 14
in my series "Glorified Clutter"
This one is named: "Lingering Neon strings Meandering through the eddies of Space-Time"

Medium Acrylic paints pens, biro, ink and more


List of contemporary goals in my life:

* Move back to the Capital of my heart (yes, Vienna, Wien)

* Take my mom on trips so she can see more than the local stuff

* make more art and hopefully sell or trade it

* Build a Theremin

* make people think and wonder more

* stay relatively happy

* Invent mad and cool stuff

* experiment

* go for more walks through many cities (I love walking)

* expand my knowledge and explore new things

* go to cafés, pubs and nightclubs

* meet my friends more often (will have to wait until that virus passed

* Make some of my games ready for play-testing

* go on more fossil-hunting expeditions

* go gold-washing it seems amusing

* repair my spine

* repair my broken teeth (at the moment of writing I have a splitting toothache)

* carry on the work of others to make Vienna a wonderful place for, living, culture and weird little curiosities

* collect more Jokers

(just some of my goals)

Peace and Noise!

/ Mushy MushroomBrain (also known by other names)

Tags:   TRADITIONAL ART Finearts Danny Mushroom Artwork Series Glorified Clutter phantasmic universe painter MushroomBrain Hennesy mycos fibre neon clutter biro drawing dark black jet Lingering strings Meandering through eddies Space-Time (abstract painting abstrakte abstrato kunst peinture pinta quer curves curvy dotted lines lineart mixture glow twisting twist master sting theory picturized imagine imagination worms spinning mess chaos freaky cluttering complexity pattern texture rings mathematical sci-fi-art micro macro nanno optic psychedelic light bright different arts meander meandes curved

N 13 B 1.4K C 6 E Mar 21, 2022 F Mar 21, 2022
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This is number 193

Artwork Series "Glorified Clutter" phantasmic universe of a painter

This one is Goes by the name: "The Hinged Midsection of a gigantic Bio-mech Titan Life-form known as robo-worm towering above the landscape in the Yellow tinted sky of HaageMonia the desert giant rock planet"

The media/medium: ballpoint pen and acrylics on paper

Peace and Peace!

/ Mushroombrain hinged in the midsection

Tags:   The Hinged Midsection gigantic Bio-mech Titan Life-form known robo-worm towering above landscape Yellow tinted sky HaageMonia desert giant rock planet decorated blue painting danny hennesy 2022 22 bic biro draw mixed media kunst arte modern moderne series robotic snap pic picture mushroombrain artes peinture artsy arty mahlung bio tech tehcnology sci-fi sections pattern clutter doodle doodeling psychedelic psychedelia worm beauty world insane outsider outside gelb blau farb kugel jiont jointed steampunk metallic dipicted sf surrueal
