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User / dannyhennesy / Sets / Artwork Series "Glorified Clutter" phantasmic universe of a painter
Danny Hennesy / 445 items

N 7 B 1.1K C 3 E Mar 14, 2022 F Mar 14, 2022
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This is number 190

Artwork Series "Glorified Clutter" phantasmic universe of a painter

This one is Goes by the name: "A sliver of chaotic psychedelic Mayhem Passes trough an ordinary earthly landscape and it´s bad timing made it unobserved by any sentient being"

The media/medium: ballpoint pen and acrylics on paper

Peace and Peace!

/ Mushroombrain the unobserver of nothing

Tags:   A sliver chaotic psychedelic Mayhem Passes trough an ordinary earthly landscape it´s bad timing made it unobserved by any sentient being kunst arte arts feinkunst daily series danny hennesy 2022 22 contemporary painting peinture mahlung psykedelisk psy slivers passing detail pattern mushroombrain artist beauty vivid colorful farb farben pinta striking small tiny colorfull artsy arty shapes colors nyanse nyanses spell freak outsider outside clutter cluttering fractal fractalism acrylic akryl mein sequence row hippie deco

N 25 B 18.9K C 16 E Jul 18, 2022 F Jul 18, 2022
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This is number 234 in this series of artworks

Artwork Series "Glorified Clutter" phantasmic universe of a painter

it is named: "an exploration DSV Submarine in the abyssal deep sea stumbles up on an unknown polyp species communicating with bioluminescence to cheer up themselves in the lonely eternal darkness"

The media/medium: ballpoint pen, oil paint and acrylics on paper

Peace and Peace!

/ Mushroombrain deep psychedelic and isolated

Tags:   an exploration DSV Submarine abyssal deep sea stumbles up unknown polyp species communicating with bioluminescence cheer themselves lonely eternal darkness (contemporary artwork by Danny Hennesy 2022) arte kunst painting glow glowing artes mahler mahling maling modern semi-abstract abstract abstrato illuminated illumination water deeper impact psychedelia pop reef polyps light dark submerged art artsy feinkunst artist illustration biology biological entity mysterious oil paint pinta bright dazzle organism fake image picture pic img science fantasy phantasmal dream

N 11 B 1.4K C 0 E Dec 5, 2021 F Dec 5, 2021
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This is number 163

Artwork Series "Glorified Clutter" phantasmic universe of a painter

This one is Goes by the name: "Drawing Mysterious Unicorn puke psychedelia abstracts my way to get in trying to get war mongering world leader to confused to make war"

The media/medium ballpoint on paper

Peace and Noise!

/ Mushroombrain Peace in our time-space!

Tags:   Drawing Mysterious Unicorn puke psychedelia abstracts way get trying war mongering world leader confused make pattern danny hennesy 2021 artist bic biro ballpoint aartwork psychedelic surreal shapes kunst arte drawn detailed ornament cute odd strange intercut sway swirling pen drawer childing doodeling doodel doodle ornamentation small minute mir arty swar patterns messy chaos fractal fractalized levels red ink blue green grün blau rot multicolored triochrome trichrome spires magic hidden text alpabet skillfully executed work

N 14 B 6.3K C 4 E Nov 15, 2011 F Jun 26, 2022
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This is number 224 in this series of artworks

Artwork Series "Glorified Clutter" phantasmic universe of a painter

it is named: "The divine fumes of a fart from a god passing below the horrible nastiness of the horned earth-core dweller known as a devil good and band blends badly"

The media/medium: ballpoint pen and acrylics paper

Peace and Peace!

/ Mushroombrain a quite Human fart

Tags:   The divine fumes fart from god passing below horrible nastiness horned earth-core dweller known devil good band blends badly (clutter artwork by Danny Hennesy 2022) arte kunst abstrato outsider dada dadaism decorative acrylics 22 modern artist freaky psychedelic psychedelia striking vivid colors farben series collectable pattern patterns texture paint artsy abstrakte mahlung farting stylized illustrated wind letting ornamental nonfigurative time space hippie hippy fly most curls curly traditional tradition blob mass experimental experiment visual

N 6 B 1.0K C 2 E Jan 19, 2011 F Aug 30, 2021
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This is number 138a
in my art series "Glorified Clutter"

This one is Goes by the name: "Which was first the Bundesadler, The Hybrid Bio-Morph Phoenix/cockatrice egg or The Universe something Strange but wise intoxicated Abstract philosophers still debate on every cosy Austrian Beisl"

The media/medium biro-bic pens ballpoints and acrylic paint on Wood

Peace and Noise!

/ Mushroombrain a user of Beisl und Bier in Vienna

Tags:   Which was first Bundesadler The Hybrid Bio-Morph Phoenix cockatrice egg or Universe something Strange but wise intoxicated Abstract philosophers still debate every cosy Austrian Beisl TRADITIONAL ART Finearts Danny MushroomBrain Hennesy Artwork Series Glorified Clutter phantasmic painter AnYthInG 797 items wood abstrato kunst arte mahlung farb 3d texture pattern vivid cosmic new age artist contemporary kontemporär spatter action space cosmo psychedelic objects suspended dunkel blau kunstlerin universal acrylics akryl pinta artes nonfigurative star spacey cool amazing
